Due Date: Tuesday October 19, 1999 at start of class.
Copy the applet code from the reading (minus the comments) into a file,
debug it, compile it, and have it ready to link to your web page.
The actual Java code minus comments begins on page 29 and continues to
page 31.
We will write the HTML file that you need to run this applet in class
on Thursday Oct 14 - the day this lab is distributed to the class.
The rules you learned for Karel will help you but there are some differences.
Only a few now but there will be more in later labs. This is a get-acquainted
lab just to walk you through the different Java Hoops that you must negotiate
to run a Java applet. The comments explain what is going on but you
do not have to copy them into your code.
Be sure to put your name in a comment at the top of the program
Handin Instructions:
Do not hand in the file Colors.java. Everyone will have a file
called Colors.java. Make a copy of the file, Colors.java and rename
it with your last name and turn in the copy. The naming convention
should be:
Pappa Smurff would turn in: