Self-Review Questions

  1. How many references you must change to delete a node from the middle of a singly linked list?

    a)   1
    b)   2
    c)   3
    d)   0


  2. Why one might choose to use a singly linked list instead of a doubly linked list?

    a)   Insert is not efficient for a doubly linked list
    b)   A doubly linked list has a fixed size
    c)   Memory usage is a big concern for you
    d)   Remove takes constant time for a singly linked list


  3. Given a doubly linked list where each node has two references (prev and next): one that points to a previous node and another to a next node:

    Assuming the linked list above, provide the output for the following code fragments. The list is restored to its initial state before each line executes:

    a)   _________;

    b)   _________;

    c)   _________;


  4. Given an array and a singly linked list. Which of these data structures uses more memory space to store the same number of elements? Explain your answer.


  5. Given a singly-linked list of unknown size. Describe in a few sentences (in English, please) how to find the middle element of the list without counting all nodes.


  6. What changes do you need to make to a linked list in order to have a constant time access to the last node?


  7. An alternative to a standard deletion strategy is known as lazy deletion. When deleting elements from a singly linked list, we delete them logically but not physically. This is done by marking the node as deleted (using a boolean value). The numbers of deleted and not-deleted elements in the list are kept as part of the list. If at some point the number of deleted elements is equal to the number of not-deleted elements, we traverse the list and delete all "lazily deleted" elements. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this scheme.


  8. Given a doubly linked list where each node has two references (prev and next): one that points to a previous node and another to a next node.

    Write the statements to insert a new node

    Node toInsert = new Node(6);
    containing the 6 between the node with the 5 and the node with the 9. You do not need to write the whole method but just the statements to make the connections.


  9. Implement a Java method
    public void removeAllMatchingItems(AnyType keyItem)

    that removes each and every item equal the keyItem from a singly-linked list. The list is not changed in any other way - if the requested item is not contained within the list, the method leaves the list in its prior condition You assume the LinkedList class given in lectures.


  10. Given a sorted singly-linked list, where the head contains the smallest element Implement a Java method
    public void insertInOrder(Comparable keyItem)

    that creates a new node and inserts it in-order into the list. You assume the LinkedList class given in lectures.