Week 1
- Administrivia
- The shell and shell scripting, Lab #1 Assigned
Week 2
- More shell scripting, regex
- AWK and Perl
Week 3
- More Perl, Lab #2 Assigned
- Compiliation model, "Hello world", similarity to Java
Week 4
- Functions, prototypes, headers, macros, includes, Lab #3 Assigned
- Memory, addresses, pointers, pass-by-reference-value, gdb
Week 5
- Arrays, strings, pointer arithmetic, File IO, Lab #4 assigned
- Structs, Unions, typedefs; dynamic memory
Week 6
Week 7
- Exam Post-mortem
- Implementing data structures, void pointer, multiple files, static, Hashing, Lab #5 assigned
Week 8
- Linked lists
- Linked lists, cont
Week 9
- Binary Search Trees (BSTs)
- Additional data structures
Week 10
Week 11
- Function-like Macros, Common Memory errors, Valgrind
- Make/CVS
Week 12
- Bitwise operators, Lab #8 Overview, Lab #8, Part 1 (Assembler)
- Lab #8: Implementing the Simulator, Part #1
Week 13
- Lab #8: Implementing the Simulator, Part #2 Assigned
- No class-Thanksgiving
Week 14
- System calls, Process control
- /proc, strace, Lab #9 assigned
Week 15
- Introduction to C++
- Review/Slack/Administrivia