public void bubbleSort(int[] numbers)
     /*traverse the array (or a subset of the array) length-1 times*/
     for (int highest_unsorted=numbers.length-1; highest_unsorted != 0; highest_unsorted--)
          /*makes the necessary comparisons for one pass through the array*/	
          for (int best_so_far=0; best_so_far < highest_unsorted; best_so_far++)
               /*compare adjacent items and swap them if necessary*/
               if (numbers[best_so_far] > numbers[best_so_far+1])
                    swapNumbers (best_so_far, best_so_far+1);
public void selectionSort(int[] numbers)
     /*For every index in the array, with the exception of the last one,*/
     for(int searcherIndex=0; searcherIndex < numbers.length-1; searcherIndex++)
          /*Assume that the number is where it's supposed to be*/
          int correctIndex = searcherIndex;
          /*Try out other candidate indexes*/
          for (int candidateIndex=searcherIndex+1; candidateIndex < numbers.length; candidateIndex++)
               /*If you find a smaller number, make it's index the correct index*/
               if(numbers[candidateIndex] < numbers[correctIndex])
                    correctIndex = candidateIndex;
          /*At this point correctIndex really will be the correct index*/
          swapNumbers (searcherIndex, correctIndex);
public void insertionSort(int[] numbers)
     /*going through all of the items in the array*/
     for (int insertMe=1; insertMe < numbers.length; insertMe++)
          /*find the correct index for the item*/
          for (int newPosn=0; newPosn < insertMe; newPosn++)
               /*stop when you come to an item greater than the item in question*/
               if (numbers[insertMe] < numbers[newPosn])
                    /*put the item in question somewhere for safe keeping*/
	            int temp = numbers[insertMe];
                    /*move everything after the correct index down to make room*/
                    for (int shift=insertMe; shift > newPosn; )
                         numbers[shift] = numbers[--shift];

	            /*put the item in its correct index*/
                    numbers[newPosn] = temp;

	            /*You've found the right index for the item and it's time to stop*/
 *quickSort() calls sortPartition()
public void quickSort(int[] numbers)
     sortPartition (0, numbers.length-1);

 * This is a helper method which is used by findPartition() to 
 * find the "pivot point" - the place to divide the partition.
private int findPivot (int left, int right)
     return ((right + left)/2);

 * This is a helper method called by sortNumbers(). It sorts
 * an individual partition about the given pivot point.
private int partition (int left, int right, int pivot)
     while (numbers[++left] < numbers[pivot]);
          while ((right !=0) && (numbers[--right] > numbers[pivot]));
          swapNumbers (left, right);
     } while (left < right);

     swapNumbers (left, right);

     return left;

 * This is a helper method called by sortNumbers(). It recursively 
 * calls itself on subpartitions to sort the numbers. The actual
 * sorting within the partition is done by sortPartition(), which
 * is iterative.
private void sortPartition (int left, int right)
     int pivot = findPivot (left, right);
     swapNumbers (pivot, right);
     int newpivot= partition (left-1, right, right);
     swapNumbers (newpivot, right);

     if ((newpivot-left) > 1) sortPartition (left, newpivot-1));
     if ((right - newpivot) > 1) sortPartition (newpivot+1, right));