Week 1 - Week of January 16, 2006
- No class: MLK Celebration
- Welcome and Procedural stuff
- Review, including Arrays and organizing arrays
Week 2 - Week of January 23, 2006
- Array operations and Big-O
- Bucket Sort, Hashing
- Review for Monday's exam
Week 3 - Week of January 30, 2006
- Exam #1
- Revisit Exam
- Interfaces and the List and Iterator Interfaces
Week 4 - Week of February 6, 2006
- Linked List, intro
- Linked List, implementation
- Linked List, implementation
Week 5 - Week of February 13, 2006
- Doubly and Circularly linked lists
- Doubly Linked List, implementation
- Queues and applications thereof
Week 6 - Week of February 20, 2006
- Stacks, and applications thereof
- Recursion, and Examples thereof
- Recursive Problem Solving
Week 7 - Week of February 27, 2006
- Review for Wednesday's Exam
- Exam #2
- Revisit Exam #2
Week 8 - Week of March 6, 2006
- Quadratic sorting techniques
- Quicksort/Merge sort
- Mid-semester break
Week 9 - Week of March 13, 2006
Week 10 - Week of March 20, 2006
- Trees and Heap sort
- Expression trees and traversals (pre, post, in, dfs, bfs)
- BSTs, intro
Week 11 - Week of March 27, 2006
- BSTs, implementation: insert and find
- BSTs, implementation: remove
- Review for Monday's Exam
Week 12 - Week of April 3, 2006
- Departmental Exam, Part 1
- Graphs, Intro and Topological sort
- Graph traversal and spanning trees
Week 13 - Week of April 10, 2006
- Greedy Algorithms, Prim's Algorithm and Union-Find
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Shortest-Path and Dijkstra's Algorithm
Week 14 - Week of April 17, 2006
- Review for Wednesday's Exam
- Exam #3
- No class - Carnival
Week 15 - Week of April 24, 2006
- Revist Wednesday's Exam
- Overview of Java's Collection classes
- More Java Collection Classes
Week 16 - Week of May 1, 2006
- In-class Coding Exercise/review for Wednesday's Exam
- Departmental Exam, Part 2
- Course wrap-up and administrivia