Exam-Related Questions
Most of today's class was hijacked with exam related questions and discussion. No problem -- glad to be of service. As awlays -- we're here to help.For those who may have missed it last class (it didn't make the notes), here's a list of topics:
- Java 5 stuff
- Autoboxing, use of, and where it doesn't
- Use of generic collections
- Use of the new for-each loop, as appropriate
- Use of arrays
- Use of ArrayLists and also the list interface
- Sorting: bubble, insertion, selection
- Bucket sort (idealized hash table)
- Real hash tables w/hash function
- Collision, packing density, table size, &c
- Collision resolution: chaining, linear and quadratic probing, double hashing
- rehashing to grow a table
- Big-O and expected runtime (theory)
- Big-O and expected runtime (sorts, hash operations w/various resolution techniques, Big-O vs. "expected" examples)
- Note: Solid emphasis on Big-O and expected runtime