15-200 Lecture 3 (Friday, September 1, 2006)

Introduction to Arrays

So far, whenever we've wanted to have a collection of objects, we've had to hardcode declare each of the objects individually, and reference each individually. There's been no relation between the members of the collection, and they cannot be referenced as a set. We had had no way of iterating through them. They are not linked. There was no way to automatically make an x number of Objects.

   String s1;
   String s2;
   String s3;
   String s4;

Random Access collection: want to make the 1 through 4 a referance intead of part of the reference variable's name. It would be the index.

Today, we're going to learn a data structure that can hold a collection of Objects or primitives - the array. An array of four Strings can be created as follow:

   String[] names;
   names = new String[4];

'names' is a reference variable to an array of Strings, not to an individual String. The "String []" is the type of object that "names" can refer to. The second line actually creates the array of 4 Strings, and assigns it to the reference variable. Note that you must specify a size of the array when you create it. This size is the number of cells in the array; the max number of Strings that the array 'names' can hold. Note that we use brackets in order to declare an array, it's size, and to reference the index (see below).

Because Strings are Objects, not primitives, names is actually a reference to an array of String references, not actual Strings. In order to access these individual String references, we use brackets after the array name to specify an index into the array. For example, to access the element of 'names' at index 0, we would use the syntax, "names[0]".

Java (like C and C++) indexes arrays starting with 0 for the first index. So for an array of size 3, the indexes range from 0 to 3. This is important to remember, because if you try to refer to the first element of the array by accessing names[1], you're actually getting the SECOND element, and if you try to access the last element by accessing names[3], an ArrayOutOfBoundsException will be thrown, because Java knows this element does not exist!

The array 'names' now looks like this:

  names -->  |   null   |   null   |   null   |  null   |
             |          |          |          |         |
               names[0]    names[1]  names[2]   names[3]

All four elements of the array (names[0], names[1], etc.) are references to Strings, but we haven't actually created the Strings and assigned them to the references yet! Therefore, currently, each index of the array stores "null".

To initialize these Strings, we would have to do the following for names[0], names[1], names[2] and names[3] (our four String references):

   names[0] = "Greg";

Once we've done this for names[0], the array looks like this:

               names[0]    names[1]  names[2]   names[3]
  names -->  |    *     |   null   |   null   |  null   |
             |    ||    |          |          |         |
             |  "Greg"  |
There is also a variable for all arrays called length that is publicly accessable. The line "System.out.println(names.lenght);" will print out 4 because that is the size the we made our array. Note that since we are calling on a public variable and not a method there are no parentheses after lenght. note that we can now understand the line "public static void main (String[] args)" if you wrote: System.out.println("There are " + args.length + " arguments"); for (int index = 0; index < args.length; index ++){ System.out.println(args[index]); } It would print out the Strings in the array that was passed in. If you wrote java ArrayExample hi mom and dad and grandpa the above code prints 5.... these are called command line arguments

Let's do an example...

class ArrayExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      // First, let's instantiate our variable as a reference to an array of
      //  Strings.  We'll call it 'names'.
      String[] names;

      BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      System.out.println("How many names? ");
      int nameCount = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine);
      // Now, we create a new array of the user entered size of Strings, and assign it to names.
      names = new String[nameCount];
      // We want to prompt the user for the correct number of strings to put into this array,
      // so we'll use a while loop to prompt the user nameCount times.  Each time the
      // user inputs a String, it will assign the String to names[index], which
      // is one of the String references in the array (names[0], names[1],
      // etc.).
      for int index = 0; index < nameCount; index++) {
         System.out.print("Enter name #" + index + ": ");
         names[index] = keyboard.readLine();

      // Now let's use the same method of accessing each index to print out
      // the Strings.
      for(int index = 0; index < nameCount; index++) {
         System.out.println(index + ". " + names[index]);
      //to print out backwards:
      for(int index = (names.length - 1); index >=0; index--){
         System.out.println(index + ". " + names[index]);
      //We can also print out a name at a specific index...
          System.out.print("Which name do you want to print [0..." + (names.length-1) + "] ? ");
          int printIndex = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine());
          //this will cause the program to exit the infinate loop
      // here's a similar example to the above code...only using a variable t
      // to control the loop instead of break
      boolean done = false
      while (!done){
          // We can also prompt the user to change one of the names, save which
          // index he/she wants to change, and then assign the new name he/she
          // inputs to the array 'names' at the index specified by the user.
          System.out.print("Change which name? ");
          int changeIndex = Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine());
          System.out.print("What is the new name? ");
          name[changeIndex] = keyboard.readLine();
          //if it reaches this line without throwing an exception it allows the
          //user to exit the while loop
          done = true;
      // And let's print out the array again, so we can see that the change
      // was actually made.
      for(int index = 0; index < nameCount; index++) {
         System.out.println(index + ". " + words[index]);