- represesntation, adj lists, adj Matricies
- node references
- traversals breadth first, depth first,
- shortest path, weighted and unweighted Dijkstras
- minimum spanning tree
- Prims Kruskals
- Union find
- use of queue/priority queue
- bucket sort
- open addressing linear probing quadratic probing double hashing
- chaining
- theory stuff - packing density, collision, factors affecting hash
- which to use and when open addressing and chaining
Collection Classes
- Map Set List
- Comparable interfaces
- HashMap
- HashSet implementations
- Arrays.sort
- Collections.sort linkedlist and arrays
We will have use of the java api. The written portion is fast, multiple guess, and short answer, then there will be one programming section.
The programming part will not be Dijkstras, it will not be hashing because that is boring so we have prims, traversals, but Prims is a good possibility because it forces us to use union find.