Quick Sort: The Strategy
Although the sorts we've discussed so far have differed in the details, they have all had the same basic strategy: Fill the sorted list in order, one item at a time, by selecting the right element from the unsorted list. Select this item by moving from one side of the unsorted list to the other, making comparisons along the way.
We are now going to take a completely different approach. For the moment, we need a small amount of magic. So, let me grant you a magic wand (Poof!). If you point this magical wand at an unsorted list of numbers, it can, much like a divining rod, find the "middle" number in the list. For example, if we point it at the numbers
5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 8, 9it will point at "6", the 3rd (starting with 0) number in the list -- the middle one. This is a very powerful magic wand -- because we've now found the right value for the 3rd position, and can just swap it into place. We'll call this place the "pivot point", because it is right in the middle of the list.
So, this magic wand makes sorting perfectly simple, right? We can just zap some more numbers, right? Well, not exactly. We've got (at least) one problem -- we've now got two lists, not one. The list to the left of the pivot, and the list to the right of the pivot. Which one do we zap?
Well, we need to zap each of them, each has its own pivot point. But, there is a problem with that, too. Each of the lists is unordered. Take a look at the list again -- this time with the one pivot we know swapped into place:
5, 7, 2, 6, 1, 8, 9The list on the left has 7, which is greater than the pivot, and the list on the right has 1, which is less than the pivot. 7 might be in the right place, but these two lists don't have the right values.
So, let's start at the beginning of the left list and move right until we find a value that should be in the right list -- 7. Then, let's start at the right side of the right list, until we find a value that belongs in the left list -- 1. Then, let's swap these two. We should repeat this process, until everything in the left list is less than the pivot and everything in the right list is greater than the pivot:
5, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9Now, we can just use that magic wand twice more -- once on the left list and once on the right list. In fact, we are just going to do this recursively until the list size is 2, at which time we'll just compare the two numbers, and swap if necessary.
So, in the left list, we pick 2 as the pivot and swap it into place
5, 2, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9Then, we swap the 1 and 5 with each other, since each is on the wrong side of the pivot value, 2.
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Now we repeat the same for the right list, selecting 8 as the pivot, discoverign that it is in the right place, and then checking the values in the left and right lists -- each of whcih contains one number that is in the right place:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Now, we repeat this, again recursively on each of the sublists. But, we discover that each has a length of 1, so we know that each is in the right place (how to get a list of one to be out of order?)
Think about what we're doing here, we're dividing this list in half, and then half again, and again, until the list has only one item. For this reason, Quicksort is often known as a divide and conquer algorithm. By using recursion, we carve the problem into smaller and smaller pieces, each of which is much easier to solve.
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Quick Sort: Making the Magic Disappear (Poof!)
So, given this magic wand, we can sort a list. Pretty cool, huh? But, what about without this magic wand? Easy answer -- we just pretend. We pick a value, and pretend it is the pivot. If we are right, the sort proceeds as we've discussed. If we aren't right, no big deal -- the left and right lists will just be different sizes. This is suboptimal, but still functional. The only problem is that we have learned less about the positions of the numbers than we otherwise could. Imagine if we'd pick the lowest (or highest) number in the list as the pivot. We'd still put it into its place -- but all of the vlaue would be on one side of it. We wouldn't be able to divide the problem at all.
At the implementation level, to facilitate things, when we guess at the pivot, we are going to swap it out of the list, into the last element, to get it out of the way. Unlike our magically perfect pivot value, we don't know exactly where it goes, until we divide the list into those things that are less than it and those things that are greater than it. At that point, we know where the two lists meet, and can swap the pivot value into the proper place.
Which number do we guess is the pivot? Well, since we don't know, if the unsorted list was truely in a random order, we could pick any -- the first, the last, or anything in between -- we'd have an equal change of being right -- and no greater a chance of being more wrong. But, if the list doesn't happen to be in a random order, there are better and worse choices. For example, if the list is sorted, and we always pick the first value, it will always be the worst choice -- everything will be greater than it. The same is true if we always pick the last value and the list is sorted the opposite way. We could pick a random value each time -- just pull a number out of the hat, per se. And this will prevent a consistently bad choice -- but it'll waste some time picking a random number and could still be bad, sometimes.
So, instead, we'll take the number in the middle of the list. If the list is in a random order, it is as good as any. But, if the list is in sorted order, whether forward or backward, it is optimal. The middle value will be in the middle. Of course, there is still a worst case ordering for this approach -- but it is somewhat less likely given human behavior.
Quick Sort: A Real Example
Let's take a look at quicksort in a more structured example. This time, we're going to pick the middle value as the pivot. And, we're going to swap it out of the list, until we divide the list into two sublists, each of which has either vlaue less than the pivot, or greater than the pivot. Once we do that, where the two lists meet is the pivot point, so we can swap it into its proper place.
This is the initial state of our quicksort example (sorted elements are italicized).
5 8 1 4 3 7 6 9 11 10 12 2 After sorting the rest of the list based on if it's in the right place relative to the pivot, we find that the pivot should be where the 8 now is.
5 6 1 4 3 2 8 9 11 10 12 7 So you swap them and QuickSort is then recursively called on the first half of the sequence up to the old pivot, with 4 as the new pivot, up unto the pivot.
5 6 1 4 3 2 7 9 11 10 12 8 The 4 gets swapped with the 2, which is the last element of the partition, and all the elements are tested to see if they belong in the right place, and it's determined that in the lower array, where the 6 is, is where the 4 should be.
3 2 1 6 5 4 7 9 11 10 12 8 Now the 4 is in place, so the 2 is the new pivot of that lower partition.
3 2 1 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 12 8 The 1 and 3 get swapped because they're in the right place, and the two gets put back. Since the partitions are each one element big, we know they're done.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 12 8 The six becomes the next pivot for the next sub-array, and since it's in the right place, that's done too. So now we look at the upper partition from placing the first pivot in its spot. First we choose the the 10 as the pivot.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 12 8 We switch it with the 8, which is at the end, and check the elements to see if they're on the correct sides. We end up having to swap the 11 and the 8. So now we know where the 10 goes, and we swap with the 11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 10 We switch it with the 8, which is at the end, and check the elements to see if they're on the correct sides. We end up having to swap the 11 and the 8. So now we know where the 10 goes, and we swap with the 11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 12 11 After doing the same recursive calls on the two-element partitions, we have our ordered list.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quick Sort: A Look at the Performance
The best, average, and worst cases of quicksort actually turn out to be very different, because of the variabilitity introduced by the choice of pivots.
In the best case, the pivot exactly divides each the list. So, we have to pick Log2N pivots, before each sublist is of size 1. So, we have Log2 N lists to sort using recursion. For each of these lists, we walk through the elements linearly, one at a time, looking for items that are out of place and should be swapped. So, we have a linear process. So, in the best case, quick sort is O(N*Log N). th "N" is from the traverse-and-swap within the sublist, and the "Log N" is the number of sublists.
In the worst case, where we pick exactly the wrong pivot, we don't divide things in half each time. Instead, we end up with a list of size 0 and a list of size N-1 to sort each time. So, the divide step is O(N), and the traverse-and-swap is still O(N), for a total of O(N2) -- we have to traverse-and-swap for each of the N lists. In this respect, a worst-case quick sort is much like a bubble or selection sort. But, as it turns out, either is more efficient than a worst-case quicksort. The reason is that quicksort uses recursion, which is quite expensive -- even more expensive than bubble sort's constant swapping. So, if the pivot is bad, there is very little algorithmic gain -- but a lot of additional overhead.
The same is actually true for small lists, even in the optimal case -- the overhead of recursion outweights the algorithmic gain for small lists. So, in truth, it doesn't make sense to quicksort down to a list size of 1 or two. A more typical strategy is to quick sort down to a list size of 50-100, and then use a selection sort.
In the average case, empirical analysis has shown performance to be much closer to optimal than worst case -- still O(N*Log N)
Important Note: I am being very sloppy in my notation here. Strictly speaking, Big-O is a notation for worst-case, outer-bound complexity. Quick sort is O(N*Log N). Technically, the "best case" notation is Omega, there are various notations for "average case".
Quick Sort Code
*quickSort() calls sortPartition()
public void quickSort(int[] numbers)
sortPartition (0, numbers.length-1);
* This is a helper method which is used by findPartition() to
* find the "pivot point" - the place to divide the partition.
private int findPivot (int left, int right)
return ((right + left)/2);
* This is a helper method called by sortNumbers(). It sorts
* an individual partition about the given pivot point.
private int partition (int left, int right, int pivot)
while (numbers[++left] < numbers[pivot]);
while ((right !=0) && (numbers[--right] > numbers[pivot]));
swapNumbers (left, right);
} while (left < right);
swapNumbers (left, right);
return left;
* This is a helper method called by sortNumbers(). It recursively
* calls itself on subpartitions to sort the numbers. The actual
* sorting within the partition is done by sortPartition(), which
* is iterative.
private void sortPartition (int left, int right)
int pivot = findPivot (left, right);
swapNumbers (pivot, right);
int newpivot= partition (left-1, right, right);
swapNumbers (newpivot, right);
if ((newpivot-left) > 1) sortPartition (left, newpivot-1));
if ((right - newpivot) > 1) sortPartition (newpivot+1, right));
Now let's look at another type of divide and conquer algorithm, called Mergesort. With Quicksort, we do the actual sorting work before each recursive call. Now we are going to look at an algorithm which does most of the work after the recursive call.
The main idea behind Mergesort is that given two sorted lists, we can combine them into one single sorted list in linear time. This is because when we want to know the first element in the combined list, there are only two possibilities. It must be the first element from one of the two lists.
For example, if we wanted to merge the following lists...
List 1: [2,7,11] List 2: [4,9,15] Merged List: []
We know that the first element in the list must be either 2 or 4. Of these choices, obviously we choose 2.
List 1: [7,11] List 2: [4,9,15] Merged List: [2]
Now, we only need to compare 7 and 4 to find the second element in the list, since we know that one of those must be the next smallest element. So we get...
List 1: [7,11] List 2: [9,15] Merged List: [2,4]
We continue this until we have merged the two lists into a single, sorted list. Clearly, this is O(n). We need to add n elements to the list. And for each addition to the end of the list, we need to check 2 elements and choose 1, which is a constant time operation.
But how does this help us sort a list? Well, given our complete list, we can use recursion to divide it into two smaller lists. Of course, both the original list and the smaller lists are all still unsorted. So we repeat the process, subdividing the lists until we get lists containing only 1 element each.
Trivially, a 1 element list is sorted by definition. We don't need to do any work. However if we have two 1 element lists, we can merge these into a sorted 2 element list in linear time. Likewise, if we have two 2 element lists, we can merge them into a single sorted list.
So our strategy for Mergesort is to divide the list into two smaller lists. We can then sort them recursively, and then merge the two sorted lists. The base case for our recursion is when we have a single element list.
Lets look at an example of this in action.
First, we split the list into 2.
[4,1,6,2] [8,5,3,7]
We continue to recursively split the list until we reach the base case.
[4,1] [6,2] [8,5] [3,7] [4][1] [6][2] [8][5] [3][7]
We've reached our base case. So now each time, we just return the single element lists. Now, as the recursion is unrolling, we merge the lists together at each step.
[4][1] [6][2] [8][5] [3][7] [1,4] [2,6] [5,8] [3,7] [1,2,4,6] [3,5,7,8] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Now, we have a sorted list. What about the run time of this algorithm? Well, we always divide the list by two each time we make recursive call. So, like in Quicksort, the recursion will be log(n) deep. At each level of recursion, we need to merge the lists together. This is a linear operation. At each level, we need to merge all n items, even at deeper levels of recrusion. For example, in the above example, at one point we merged 4 lists of 2 each, while at another we merged 2 lists of 4 each. Either way, this requires going through all 8 items in the list. So at each level of recursion, the cost of merging is O(n). So, we have log(n) levels, each with an O(n) merge. So our runtime is O(nlog(n)). Unlike with Quicksort, this is our worst case and best case run time. Quicksort will always run in logorithmic time.
However, although it is O(nlog(n)), Mergesort has a lot of overhead. For one thing, it is recursive. Second, it generally requires actually creating new lists, which takes more space. So even though Quicksort has a worst case O(n^2), on average it is actually faster than mergesort.