Problem F

You are given an unlimited number of pebbles to distribute across an N × N game board (1 <= N <= 15), where each square on the board contains an integer point value between 1 and 99, inclusive. The integers on a given board may not be unique. A 6 × 6 board might look like this:
78   78   11   55   20   11
98   54   81   43   39   97
12   15   79   99   58   10
13   79   83   65   34   17
85   59   61   12   58   97
40   63   97   85   66   90
The player distributes pebbles across the board so that:
At most one pebble resides in any given square.
No two pebbles are placed on adjacent squares. Two squares are considered adjacent if they are horizontal, vertical, or diagonal neighbors. There is no board wrap-in the above example, 55 and 85 are not neighbors, nor are 13 and 17.
The goal is to maximize the number of points claimed by your placement of pebbles.
Input to your program will be a sequence of boards, terminated by end-of-file. Each board will be separated from the next by a blank line. Each board is a sequence of N lines consisting of N integers separated from each other by whitespace.
For each board, your program is to print a line containing the maximum number of points attainable. The result is to begin in the first column with no leading zeroes or trailing whitespace.

Sample Input

 71 24 95 56 54
 85 50 74 94 28
 92 96 23 71 10
 23 61 31 30 46
 64 33 32 95 89
 78 78 11 55 20 11
 98 54 81 43 39 97
 12 15 79 99 58 10
 13 79 83 65 34 17
 85 59 61 12 58 97
 40 63 97 85 66 90
 15 95 24 35 79 35 55 66 91 95 86 87
 94 15 84 42 88 83 64 50 22 99 13 32
 85 12 43 39 41 23 35 97 54 98 18 85
 84 61 77 96 49 38 75 95 16 71 22 14
 18 72 97 94 43 18 59 78 33 80 68 59
 26 94 78 87 78 92 59 83 26 88 91 91
 34 84 53 98 83 49 60 11 55 17 51 75
 29 80 14 79 15 18 94 39 69 24 93 41
 66 64 88 82 21 56 16 41 57 74 51 79
 49 15 59 21 37 27 78 41 38 82 19 62
 54 91 47 29 38 67 52 92 81 99 11 27
 31 62 32 97 42 93 43 79 88 44 54 48

Output for the Sample Input


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On 18 Nov 2007, 08:00.