The teams to ECNA 2010 will be decided by results from 6 selection contests, they will take place at:
Wednesday, Sep 8, 2010, 6:45~9:45pm EDT
Saturay, Sep 11, 2010, 1:00~4:00pm EDT
Wednesday, Sep 15, 2010, 6:45~9:45pm EDT
Saturay, Sep 18, 2010, 1:00~4:00pm EDT
Wednesday, Sep 22, 2010, 6:45~9:45pm EDT
Sunday, Sep 26, 2010, 1:00~4:00pm EDT Note the date change
Starting time and length for the Wednesday rounds are tentative.
The teams going to ECNA 2010 (this year's regionals) will be selected using the following algorithm*
After each contest, contestants will be ranked by their order on the scorebaord, ties are counted to the smaller rank value, contestants who are absent are ranked as 0 problems.
Each contestant's overall score will be the geometric mean of their BEST 5 individual contests, aka. the product of their best 5 ranks taken to the 1/5th power.
The contestants are then sorted in increasing order by their final score, and ranks 1~3, 4~6, 7~9 and 10~12 will be selected as tentative teams.
A switch can be made if the majority (2/3) of both teams want the switch.
* While we (the instructors) expect to follow these rules, we do reserve
the right to make adjustments in unusual cases at our discretion. For
instance, if a contestant has to miss some of the individual contests because of
illness, we may relax the "BEST 5" rule in his or her case and use
"BEST 4" instead.