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15-295 Meeting 1 (Wednesday, January 14, 2005)

Readings and Problems

Procedural Information

We discussed the purpose and format of the course, as well as policies and procedures. This discussion was derived from the course syllabus. Please refer to that document for more information.

The Contest Environment

We discussed the programming contest environment, including the types of problems, resources, and team environment. Although this discussion was based on our years of coaching, it is also well-represented by the reading. As a result, we're not providing extensive notes -- we'll just refer you there. But, please do let us know if you have any questions. We're here to help!

Review of Selected Problems from the ECNA Regions

Carnegie Mellon competes in the Eastern Central North American (ECNA) region of the ACM's International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC).

Today we discussed problems A, B, C, F, and G from the 2004 regionals. These were the problems that were solved by either or both of our teams during that competition. The remaining problems were assigned for the in-class team programming and homework.

In Class Programming

In class, we broke into teams and worked on the remaining problems from the 2004 ECNA -- those that were not correctly solved by our teasm and were not discussed in class.

Problems were submitted using a temporary prodedure. This procedure will change as soon as our official course space is created. Until then, we are poaching:

  1. cd /afs/andrew/course/15/100-kesden/handin/CONTEST

  2. mkdir andrewid1-andrewid2-andrewid3
    where andrewid1, andrewid2, and andrewid3 are the andrewids of your team members

  3. cd andrewid1-andrewid2-andrewid3

  4. cp somefile .
    where somefile is whatever you'd like to submit

  5. email to let him know that you have submitted something.

As teams submitted problems, we judged them and provided contest-style judging responses. The same set of problems was assigned as homework. Although the homework is an individual effort, you are free to use your own team's in-class work-product as a starting point for your own, individual effort.

Homework Submission

Until our course space is created, we'll submit homework as we did the in-class work, with three exceptions:

  1. Use only one andrewid, yours.
  2. No need to mail us to let us know that you have turned it in.
  3. We will not judge in real-time.

Important Note: The submission directory is now "/afs/andrew/course/15/295/handin".

The Most Important Thing

Remember -- we're here to help. Email us or drop by any time we can be of service.