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Competition Programming (15-295):
Lecture topics and readings

Spring 2006

January 17 Policies and procedures
January 24 Standard libraries in Java The source for Java developers
January 31
Standard libraries in C++
A tiny STL primer
STL programmer's guide
February 7 Sorting Cormen et al.: Sections 2.1, 7.1-7.3, 8.2-8.3, 9.2
February 14 Sorting
February 21 Greedy algorithms Cormen et al.: Sections 16.1-16.3
February 28
Greedy algorithms
Dynamic programming

Cormen et al.: Sections 15.2-15.4
March 7 Dynamic programming
March 21 Basic graph algorithms Cormen et al.: Sections 22.1-22.4
March 28 Basic graph algorithms
April 4 Advanced graph algorithms Cormen et al.: Sections 23.1, 23.2, 24.2, 24.3
April 25 Advanced graph algorithms
May 2 Strings Cormen et al.: Sections 32.1-32.4