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Competition Programming:
Problem Set 6

Problem A: Up the Downstairs

Since the elevators in Wean are slow and unreliable, many students prefer to use the stairs. When a student walks upstairs, he can occasionally jump across two or three steps, which means that he may climb stairs in many different ways. For example, if the stairs consist of two steps, the student has two options: (1) take the first step and then take the second step or (2) jump the two steps at once. If the stairs include four steps, then he has seven options: (1) one step, one step, one step, one step; (2) one step, one step, two steps; (3) one step, two steps, one step; (4) two steps, one step, one step; (5) two steps, two steps; (6) one step, three steps; and (7) three steps, one step. Your task is to determine the total number of ways to climb a given number of steps.


The input includes multiple test cases; the number of cases is at most 26. Each test case is an integer between 1 and 26, on a separate line with no surrounding spaces, which represents the number of steps. The last line of the input is "-1", which does not represent a test case.


For each test case, the output is a single integer on a separate line, which represents the number of ways to climb the stairs.

Sample input


Sample output


Problem B: Edit Distance

When a word processor suggests a replacement for a misspelled word, it usually uses the edit distance to determine the closest word. The edit distance between two words is the minimal number of point mutations required for converting one word into the other, where each point mutation is one of three operations: insert a new letter, delete a letter, or replace a letter with a different letter. For example, we can convert "editing" into "distance" using five point mutations, which means that the edit distance between these words is five:
Your task is to write a program that computes the edit distance between given words.


The input is a list of word pairs, one pair per line; the words in a pair are separated by a single space. Each word is a string of lower-case letters, the length of which is between one and thirty; note that these strings may not be valid English words. The total number of pairs is at most 10,000; the last line is "end end", which does not represent a word pair.


The output shows the edit distance for each word pair, one distance per line.

Sample input

editing distance
distance editing
edit distance
edit edit
end end

Sample output


Problem C: Stock Prices

When traders analyze the historic performance of a stock, they may look at its performance history; this history is a sequence of prices that represent the stock's end-day values since the first day of its trading. For example, the sequence "$3.00, $2.50, ..." shows that the stock's price after the first day of its trading was $3.00, the price after the second day was $2.50, and so on. This price may go up and down, depending on the company's performance and on the investors' interest in this company. The drawdown of a stock is the reduction of its price between two specific days; for instance, if its price on January 1 is $4.00, and its price on February 1 is $2.00, then the drawdown between these two days is $2.00. When traders evaluate a stock, they may compute its greatest drawdown, that is, the maximal historic reduction of its price. Your task is to write a program that computes the greatest drawdown.


The input is a list of prices, one price per line, which represent a stock's performance history; each price is between 0.01 and 1000000.00. We represent a price by a real value with exactly two digits after the decimal point. Note that we include these two digits even if they are zeros; for instance, we represent five dollars as $5.00 rather than $5. The total number of lines in the input file is at most 1,000,000; the last line is "0.00", which does not represent a price.


The output is a single real value, with exactly two digits after the decimal point, that represents the greatest drawdown in the stock's history. If the stock prices are monotonically increasing, then the stock has no drawdowns, and the output is 0.00.

Example input


Example output



The financial terminology in this problem is slightly inaccurate, for the purpose of simplifying the underlying scenario. In particular, we usually apply the concept of drawdown to stock portfolios or mutual funds, rather than to individual stocks.