15-317 Constructive Logic
Date | Assignment | Due | Solutions | |
Sep 4 | Homework 1: Natural Deduction (Tutch requirements, LaTeX) | Sep 11 | Tutch, Written | |
Sep 11 | Homework 2: Proof Terms and Substitution (Tutch requirements, LaTeX) | Sep 18 | Tutch, Written | |
Sep 18 | Homework 3: Quantifiers and Metatheorems (Tutch requirements, LaTeX) | Sep 25 | Tutch, Written | |
Sep 25 | Homework 4: Sequent Calculus and Natural Numbers (LaTeX) | Oct 2 | Written | |
Oct 9 | Homework 5: Double-Negation Translation (LaTeX) | Oct 16 | Written | |
Oct 16 | Homework 6: Sequent Calculus for Proof Search (Starter code, Test harness) | Oct 23 | Written, SML | |
Oct 23 | Homework 7: Logic Programming in Prolog (Starter code) | Oct 30 | Prolog | |
Oct 30 | Homework 8: Logic Programming in Elf (Starter Code) | Nov 6 | Elf | |
Nov 13 | Homework 9: Modal Logic and Lax Logic (LaTeX) | Nov 27 | Written | |
Nov 26 | Homework 10: Linear Logic (LaTeX) | Dec 4 | Written |
All assignments in this course are individual assignments. The work must be your own. Do not copy any parts of the solution from anyone, and do not look at other students solutions. Do not make any parts of your solutions available to anyone and make sure no one else can read your files. We will rigorously apply the university policy on cheating and plagiarism.
We may modify this policy on some specific assignments. If so, it will be clearly stated in the assignment.
It is always permissible to clarify vague points in assignments, discuss course material from notes or lectures, and to give help or receive help in using the course software such as proof checkers, compilers, or model checkers.