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Lecture 5 (January 26, 2000)

Many thanks to Jason Flinn for his contribution to today's notes. -GMK

Preemptive SJF


A preemptive of SJF would allow the scheduling decision of a process to be re-evaluated based on new jobs that have arrived or based on the quality of the estimate. If a shorter job arived, it could be run. Or if the estimate proved to be inaccurate, and the expected completion time increased, another job might be selected to run. In this way, it preemptive SJF is a dynamic approach.

I/O and CPU bound jobs might be mixed to try to keep all of the I/O devices busy. Estimates could be made of the CPU/IO burst cycle of the processes and they could be scheduled accordingly. These estimates can be adjusted based on past experience using averaging:

Estimating CPU Time

T(1) = T(0) * alpha + C(1) * (1-alpha)
0 <= alpha <= 1

C = measure of CPU time that was used during a time quantum.
T = running average.


Round-Robin Scheduling

In many ways, round-robin is like a preemptive FIFO. Each process runs for some, fixed amount of time before the scheduler is reinvoked. This time period is called a quantum or time slice. When the sceduler is reinvoked, the next process in line is run. The "line" is the ready queue (obviously, blocked processes, &c can't run).

Context-switches may occur because the process's quantum has expired, or for some other reason (ex. I/O operation). So it is possible for processes to receive fractional part of their quantum.

Multi-level Queue Scheduling

Multi-level queue scheduling works by dividing processes into different classes and giving each class its own ready queue. Different scheduling policies might be enforced on each queue. That is to say that one class of jobs might be managed with SJF and another with FIFO, and another with Round robin. Examples of process classes might inclue the following:

But how do we divide the CPU among the different queues (one for each class)? We could give an absolute fraction of the CPU time to each class, or assign a different priority to each class. Other techniques have also been employed.

Multi-level Feedback Queue Scheduling

It would be nice to dynamically move processes between classes. We can do this by looking at a program's behavior.

We can start each processes in a default class (class 0), and watch its behavior. If the process doesn't finished before its time quantum expires (context switch), we move it down a level. Each successive level has a longer quantum, but a lower priority. The idea is that the I/O bound proceses with short CPU bursts should be sceduled first, since this does the best job of overlapping CPU and I/O to make the most complete use of the system.

The last class is scheduled SJF, FIFO, or in some other non-timesharing way. The hypothesis is that jobs that reach this class are not interactive.

Perhaps there should be some mechanism to move jobs back up, but this is not part of the classical definition of this approach.

Digression: Round Robin and the Time Quantum

As the time quantum used with the round-robin policy approaches 0, the overhead approaches infinity. But if overhead were not an issue, round robin would produce perfect sharing. It would appear to each proces that they had their own, be it slower, CPU -- execution would be very consistent. (But this is much like building a 0-friction perpetual motion machine).

If an infinite time quantum is used with round-robin, the policy becomes, in effect, non-preemptive first-come first-served.

Process Synchronization

Consider the following threads executing concurrently.

thread 1 thread 2
x=x+1 x=x+2
(x is global)

The code above can be better understod by considering it in a lower-level, more assembly language-like form:

thread 1 thread 2
load register from x load register from x
add 1 to register add 2 to register
store register to x store register to x

Imagine that evil observer can cause context-switch to happen when a context-switch is most painful.

One possible execution sequence might be the following:

thread 1 thread 2
load register from x
load register from x
add 2 to register
add 1 to register
store register to x
store register to x

now x is 2 (could also be 1 or the expected value of 3).

This is called a race condition. A race condition occurs when the output of the program is depends on the sceduling sequence of the threads or processes.

Code segments that manipulate common global variables are called critical sections. Critical sections that involve the same shared date/resource cannot be interleaved by the scheduler without risking corruption of the shared data/resource.

We need mutual exclusion between threads which play with the same global variables.

The Bounded Buffer Problems

One classic type of mutual exclusion problem is the bounded buffer problem. This type of problem is characterized by the following:

Consider the example below, where the buffer is augmented with the following:

	while (1) {
		produce item;
		while (count == N);
		buffer[in] = item;
		in = (in+1)%N;

{	while (1) {
		while (count == 0);
		take item from buffer[out];
		out = (out+1)%N;

For this to work correctly, we must protect the critical sections to ensure mutual exclusion. We can view the structure of this problem as follows:

while (1) {
	enter section
	critical section
	exit section 
	remainder section

The remainder section represents the portion of the code that is not part of the critical section.

Somehow, the enter section needs to mark status before entering critical section, so that no other process/thread will enter. Then exit section needs to unmark the status, allowing another access.

What does it mean for solution to be correct?

There are three required characteristics of correct solutions to the mutual exclusion problem.

Correct solutions also must assume that all threads execute at non-zero, but unknown speed.

Implementing Synchronization

We'll assume that basic memory accesses are atomic and that they are aligned on address that is multiple of the word size (8, 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on the machine).

Now, let's consider two threads (thread 0 and thread 1). We'll take a look at some potential solutions. The solutions below are for thread i. The other thread will be thread (i-1).

Broken Solution #1
int turn = 0;

Entry:	while (turn != i);

Exit: 	turn = 1-i;
This solution does guarantee mutual exclusion, since it is impossible for both threads to be within the critical section at the same time.

Unfortunately, it does not guarantee progress. This is because it strictly requires alternation into and out of the critical secion among the threads -- even if one thread does not need the critical section.

Consider the problems that this might cause if one thread frequently entered the critical secion and the other only needed it once during their lifetime. Or worse -- what happens if one thread exits before the other -- the remaining thread has at best one last shot at the critical region, before it is forever blocked.

Broken Solution #2
int flag[2] = {false, flase}

Entry: 	while (flag[i-1]);
	flag[i] = true;

Exit: 	flag[i] = false;
The idea here is that we use a flag to indicate whether or not the critical section is needed. This way if one thread does not need the critical section, and it is available, the other can enter immediately -- without waiting for an alternating turn.

While this approach may be more fair, it is also broken. It does not guarantee mutual exclusion. The problem here is that the testing and the setting of the flag variable are not atomic. One thread could test the state of the flag variable (the while condition) and then be preempted. The other thread could do the same thing. Now both threads are free to move into the critical section -- violating mutual exclusion.

Broken Solution #3
int flag[2] = {false, false}

Entry:	flag[i] = true;
        while (flag[i-1]);

Exit:	flag[i] = false;
No problem. If we reverse the test (while condition) and the set (flag[i] = true), we can fix the mutual exclusion problem. It is now impossible for both processes to enter the critical section at the same time.

Unfortunately, this approach creates a problem of its own -- deadlock. Since the test and the set are still not atomic, it is possible for both processes to set their flag, before either can enter the critical section. At this point, neither process will ever be able to execute, because each is waiting for the other -- this is deadlock.

In this case, this can happen if one process sets its flag and is preempted, and then the other process sets its flag and is preempted. Now, when either process is scheduled, it will wait for the other.

Actually, this situation is most likely to occur on a multiprocessor system, where scheduling isn't the only issue. The two threads could be executing concurrently on two different processors and find themselves in the same position.

Broken Solution #4
int flag[2] = {false, false}

Entry:  flag[i] = true;
        while (flag[i-1]) {
                flag[i] = false;
                wait for some time;
                flag[i] = true;

Exit:   flag[i] = false;
We could try unsetting the flag, waiting for a while, and trying again...perhaps this would break the deadlock?

Not really. This just makes the deadlock worse. Now we are in a livelock a special case of deadlock, where we are burning cycles doing absolutely nothing. With the exception of the wasted "wait for some time" this solution is equivalent to Broken Solution #3.