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Project 1 Groups
If you are unsure of your group for Project #1, please use the listing
below. It shouws the group number followed by the Andrew userid of
each member.
1: bolson blk
2: rekwall promain
3: alisa gls
4: mohr malavazi
5: ajr gmadan
6: felix mdurvy
7: ywong camille
8: pauls dkwok
9: robbins alford
10: dkoes bsellner
11: jlucas mcd
12: srs3 qshen
13: merle pfm2
14: sweber hia
15: derekg babbitt
16: bscholl wsong
17: mds2 gf2e
18: aflagg adp
19: lenza rp
20: yangwang dkogan
21: zml cce
22: cje joa
23: eugenec rkurin
24: kevinm jf6b
25: nstrom bgh
26: jroy apb
27: pwolpe hramirez
28: lampe dkt
29: twm djc2
30: ffortes jas2
31: pnp nbingham
32: jjsmith xlu
33: taa fry
34: avm aem2
35: cape dl2p
36: langed jtunison
37: quirk quirk
38: machuga hlevine
39: mferdman mferdman
40: houston bkisiel
41: yako yako
42: jeremyp tomc
43: gwa keryan
44: mroth abruce
45: mmcgrath rahulc
46: willhoit mhunter
47: jfg2 jfg2
48: davido lshvarts
49: li lijie