15-640/440 Questions and Answers


The following questions and answers are edited versions of questions we received via email from students and the answers we gave. We don't include every question, instead we just include those that are generally applicable. In order to protect your anonymity, we always remove any identifying information. Any questions that are not answered on this page should be addressed to the course staff or posted on the bboard.

General Questions

  • How can I get help?
    The course staff is here to help. We are happy to help you with any questions or problems that you may have, just let us know you have them (see next question for how).
  • How do I contact the course staff?
    The "staff" page (link on the left) has e-mail addresses for all of the course staff as well as phone numbers and instant messaging screen names for some of the staff. It contains regular office hours during which we are easily locatable. There is also a staff mailing list that will reach the entire course staff. Whichever means you want to use, we're here to help.
  • Do I need a partner?
    Yes. Most of the projects will require working with a partner. If you need help locating a partner, let us know and we will help you find one.

    But, do check the lab spec -- not all projects will require, or even permit a partner.

  • Am I allowed to use code I find on the web?
    You are allowed to use snippets from the web as long as you say where you got it from (in comments above the section copied). If you do not credit your source, then it will be treated as academic dishonesty. Make sure you are not copying so much as to substantially reduce the benefit to you of doing the lab. If you have any questions or concerns about whether using a particular snippet is ok, just ask.