Like Project 1, you must write your code in C. Your code will run on top of a virtual machine that we have supplied. See the Support Code section below.
The project directory for this project is
, which is
referred to as $PDIR
in the rest of this document.
Details about the machine simulator, including information about how to compile your components with the components that we provide, are given in the simulator handout.
The simulator libraries and header files are under
and $PDIR/include
respectively. For your convenience, we provide you a template for the
code that you can start with. This includes Makefile, skeleton
definitions of some important structures, skeleton prototypes of some
interface functions, etc. All the template files are in
. Copy the template directory into
your working space and get started with
programming. $PDIR/utils
contains utilities to help you
in debugging your code. Read the README
file under the
directory to learn how to use those utilities.
In the first part of the project, you will implement basic network layer functionalities.The network layer for this project will be modeled after IPv4. The network layer provides an addressing mechanism, and the ability to forward packets between nodes. Your network layer must provide both of these facilities. For addressing, we require that your network layer use IPv4 addresses.
Section 4.1.4 of the text book describes datagram forwarding in
IP. The forwarding table entries consist of (destination IP,
interface) pair. Note that this is different from the forwarding table
entries described in the text book. The prototype for forwarding table
entries is given in $PDIR/kernel/rtable.h
. In the example
network given in the simulator hand-out, the forwarding tables at the
nodes 1, 2 and 3 are given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3
Netmasks will be assigned to interfaces.
The network layer for this project will be modeled after IPv4. Your implementation does not need to handle IP fragmentation, multicast, IP header options, and type-of-service (ToS). You are, however, responsible to correctly set, handle, and verify IP version number, IP header length, IP packet length, time to live (TTL), protocol number, checksum, and source and destination addresses. The identification field is used to uniquely identify each IP packet sent by a host. It is typically used for fragmentation and re-assembly. Although we do not ask you to implement fragmentation, you should set the identification field according to the specification. A simple heuristic such as "incrementing by one each time a packet is sent" is sufficient for our purposes.
Destination | Interface |
---|---| | 1 | | 1 |
The simulator transport layer does not support ICMP. Hence, in case
of an error, your forwarding layer will drop the packet and write an
error message to stderr
, instead of sending an ICMP
packet. The format for the error message (to help grading assignments)
should be something like
proto x.y.z.w -> a.b.c.d [optional 2-word reason]
In the first part of the project, the network layer forwarding
table can be filled in statically. We provide a user space program
(in $PDIR/util
), fdconfig
, that can relay
forwarding information to your kernel code via a "routing socket", as
explained in the routing section of the simulator handout. Your code
will be responsible for placing this information into your network
layer’s forwarding tables. You should read a network configuration
file like $PDIR/kernel/network.cfg
and set the routes.
In the second part of the
project, you will implement the routing daemon and other
infrastructure required to compute the forwarding table
In the second part of the project, you will implement a simple routing daemon. The routing daemon is intended to be implemented as a user-level application. Thus each node should have one routing daemon running.
The job of each routing daemon is to build its node’s forwarding table so that packets can be successfully forwarded to other nodes from that node. To accomplish this you will implement a shortest path link state routing protocol. In this protocol, each node in the network periodically exchanges information with its neighbors so that everyone in the network knows the best path to take to reach each destination.
You will implement a link-state routing protocol similar to OSPF, which is described in the textbook in chapter 4, and in more detail in the OSPF RFC. Note, however, that your protocol is greatly simplified compared to the actual OSPF spec. As described in the references, OSPF works by having each router maintain an identical database describing the network’s topology. From this database, a routing table is calculated by constructing a shortest-path tree. Each routing update contains the node’s list of neighbors. Upon receiving a routing update, a node updates its routing table with the "best" routes to each destination. In addition, each routing daemon must remove entries from its routing table when they have not been updated for a long time. The routing daemon will have a loop that looks similar the following:
while (1) { /* each iteration of this loop is "cycle" */ wait_for_event(event); if (event == INCOMING_ADVERTISEMENT) { process_incoming_advertisements_from_neighbor(); } else if (event == IT_IS_TIME_TO_ADVERTISE_ROUTES) { advertise_all_routes_to_all_neighbors(); check_for_down_neighbors(); expire_old_routes(); } }
Let’s walk through each step. First, our routing daemon A waits for an event. If the event is an incoming link-state advertisement (LSA), it receives the advertisement and updates its routing table if the LSA is new or has a higher sequence number than the previous entries. If the routing advertisement is from a new router B or has a higher sequence number than the previously observed advertisement from router B, our router A will flood the new announcement to all of its neighbors except the one from which the announcement was received, and will then update its own routing tables.
If the event indicates that a predefined period of time has elapsed (5 seconds) and it is time to advertise the routes, then the router advertises all of its links to its direct neighbors. It should increase the sequence number of its LSA each time it does this. If the routing daemon has not received any such advertisements from a particular neighbor for a number of advertisements (5), the routing daemon should consider that neighbor down. After a neighbor is declared down, the routing daemon should immediately advertise routes with the neighbor removed the link entries section of his lsa (as well as num link entries decremented).
If B receives an LSA announcement from A with a lower sequence number than it has previously seen (which can happen, for example, if A reboots), B should echo the prior LSA back to A. When A receives its own announcement back with a higher sequence number, it will increment its transmitted serial number to exceed that of the older LSAs.
Each routing announcement should contain a full state announcement from the router - all of its neighbors and all of its interfaces. This is an inefficient way to manage the announcements, but it greatly simplifies the design and implementation of the routing protocol to make it more tractable for a 4 week assignment. Each time your router originates a new LSA, it should increment the sequence number it uses. When a router receives an updated LSA, it recomputes its local routing table. Note that an LSA may have an updated sequence number but not contain any new information. In this case there is no need to update its local routing table. The LSAs received from each of the peer nodes tell the router a link in the complete router graph. When a router has received all of the LSAs for the network, it knows the complete graph. Generating the user routing table is simply a matter of running a shortest-paths algorithm over this graph. Because all the weights in the graph have unit weight, breadth first search is sufficient.
Finally the routing deamon should expire old routes. This needs some explanation. When you receive a new LSA, it contains a TTL. When the number of seconds passed exceeds the TTL of the LSA, you should remove it from your table and recompute all routes. Remember that each new LSA from a specific node replaces the old one, so this event should never occur when a node is not down.
OSPF is based upon reliable flooding of link-state advertisements to ensure that every node has an identical copy of the routing state database. After the flooding process, every node should know the exact network topology. When a new LSA arrives at a router, it checks to see if the sequence number on the LSA is higher than it has seen before. If so, the router reliably transmits the message to each of its peers except the one from which the message arrived.
The flooding is made reliable by the use of acknowledgement packets from the neighbors. When router A floods an LSA to router B, router B responds with an "LSA Ack". Even if the LSA is one with the same sequence number as before, it should still ack, even though it does not forward. If router A does not receive such an ack from its neighbor within a certain amount of time, router A will retransmit the LSA to B.
The following table shows the routing update message format, with the size of each field in bytes.
Variable | Size (in bytes) | Description |
version | 1 | the protocol version, always set to 1 |
ttl | 1 | the time to live of the LSA. It is decremented each hop during flooding, and is initially set to 32 |
type | 2 | announcement packets should be type 0, acknowledgements should be type 1 |
sender node id | 4 | the node id of the sender, so the receiver knows which neighbor it came from |
sequence number | 4 | the sequence number for the LSA |
num link entries | 4 | the number of nodes that are up and directly connected to the sender node |
num interfaces | 4 | the number of interfaces for this host/router |
link entries | 4*num link entries | each link entry contains the node id of a node that is directly connected to the sender |
interfaces | 4*num interfaces | each interface entry contains the ip address of an interface for that host/router |
All multi-byte integer fields (nodeIDs, TTLs, link entries, the type field, etc) should be in network byte order.
An acknowledgement packet looks very similar to an announcement packet, but it does not contain any link entries. It contains the sender nodeID and sequence number of the original announcement, so that the peer knows that the LSA has been reliably received.
Your routing daemon must communicate routing information with all
directly connected neighbors. OSPF runs directly on top of the IP
layer (registered as IP protocol 89.) However, we'll be encapsulating
our router-router communication into UDP packets. Please use UDP port
1099. One way to do this is to use a single UDP socket that can
receive routing information from all neighbors. This means you will be
using the Sendto()
function, specifying the destination
address and port, and the Recvfrom()
function, which will
tell you who sent the packet. However you may prefer to have a socket
per interface. By default UDP is blocking, meaning it will not return
until a packet is received. However, your routing daemon must send out
periodic routing information, as well as listen for incoming routing
information all in one thread. To achieve this you will use a
non-blocking UDP socket, which will return immediately even if no
packets have been received. To make the Recvfrom()
non-blocking use the MSG_NOBLOCK
flag in each call. At
this point, you should be able to implement a loop that can send
periodic messages and receive messages from multiple neighbors.
There is one more important mechanism for the routing daemon you
must implement: the UDP socket used to send routing information must
only send to directly connected neighbors and must only send routing
information to them if the direct link is up. For example, if a link
between two nodes, A and B goes down, an alternate route (if it
exists) should be chosen by your routing protocol from A to B going
through a third node C. In this case, A should not send routing
information to B since they are not directly connected anymore,
however, using the IP forwarding table will not achieve this behavior
since the routing information will end up going from A to B through
C. To fix this problem you will have to set the UDP socket to send
packets only to direct neighbors. This can be done by setting the
flag using Setsockopt()
on the
UDP socket. Once this is done, every call to Sendto()
this UDP socket will force UDP to call ip_output()
flag. As mentioned in the simulator
handout, when this flag is set, the ip_output
which you will implement, should use the kernel’s network interface
list, which only has directly connected neighbors, to forward the
packet instead of the forwarding table, which can reach all nodes in
the network.
To update the entries in the node’s routing table, the routing daemon should use routing sockets, as described in the simulator handout. Note that you only have to implement the routing socket routines to add an entry, delete an entry, and change an entry. No information will be returned via the routing socket.
When running the routing daemon, the static method should
not be used to populate the routing table. Instead, the routing
daemon will assume that the routing table is initially empty, and it
will use reliable flooding and the shortest path first routing
protocol to update the routing table. On startup, it will read the
same network configuration file that the kernel uses upon start-up to
find out its immediate neighbors in the network topology. (We have
supplied a library, libgetneighbors.a
, and an associated
header file, get_interface_neighbors.h
, to do that.) As
an artifact of the config file, you'll need to know your node ID, and
since it's stripped by the simulator, you'll need it twice on the command line. Please use:
routed -n node-id node-id
as your command-line.
You should submit the following files:
As the course progresses, we expect you to develop and refine your personal coding style. By this we mean that there are many reasonable ways to write code so it is easy for people to read (not that anything you define as "your style" will be acceptable). Below we have provided you with a list of coding standards put forth by various groups at CMU and elsewhere. We strongly suggest that you spend some time looking through several of these before you start coding.