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March 31, 2008 (Lecture 26)


Introduction to Replication, Migration, and Caching

The performance of DSMs can be drastically improved by paying careful attention to the location of information. Since DSM systems are typically implemented over some type of commodity network, they often conform to a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) model. This means that the way a processor accesses the memory in one portion of its address space may be different than the way it accesses another portion of its address space. Some of the elements may be nearby and readily accessible, whereas others might be farther way, or otherwise not as readily accessible.

By keeping needed items close by (in terms of access time), the performance of DSMs can be drastically improved. To do this, DSMs often make use of caches and other replicas, as well as migration. Migration is the movement of an element of memory from one host to another.

Snoopy Caches: Not So Simple Any More

Multiprocessor systems usually have a big "leg up" over distributed systems, because many are designed such that the processors operate over a common bus -- not a collection of networks. This means that all memory access cross this common bus. This allows for the design of snoopy caches. Snoopy caches listen to the bus. Every time they hear a write operation for something in their cache, they can automatically invalidate the line in their cache. For this reason, multiprocessor systems with a common bus can prevent stale cache data with a very low cost.

This approach is problematic for a distributed system at best -- and not workable in practice. It could only work if there was specialized support for it within the network infastrcuture that allowed for this type of snooping. It could be done if all of the processors were, for example, on the same ethernet. But, if hosts on many networks compose the distributed system, this becomes impossible. It could also be done using a multicast of broadcase, if supported by the network or software, but this would need to be reliable -- and therefore expensive. As a whole, snoopy caches are rarely used in DSM systems. Instead, we must find other ways of keeping caches form becoming stale.

Write-Update vs. Write-Invalidate

If we choose to allow hosts to keep local copies of data that they don't own, we need to ensure that this data does not become stale. There are two ways of achieving this. The first technique is to ensure that it is always up-to-date, this is type of technique is known as a write-update approach. Another approach is to eliminate stale data. This is approach is known as write-invalidate.

Write update policies, while nice, are quite expensive. There are several problems. The first is determining exactly what is changing. The second is determining who has it. And the third is sending the updates.

In order to properly understand the difficulty of knowing what has changed, we need to ask ourselves, "What is the granularity of sharing?" and "What does the operating system track?". Let's assume that the unit of sharing is a whole page. Now, if only a few bytes within a page change, we don't want to send the whole page -- we want to update only those few bytes. Now, think back to operating systems -- does that sound fun? We've got to make each page read-only. Enter the fault handler, make a copy, make the change, take a "diff", format it as a message, and send it out as an update -- ouch! This could happen with every write -- think about initializing an array. Consider the alternative -- sending the whole page each time a single byte changes -- also ouch!

With respect to the first problem, I think we can call the second and third problems "boring accounting". We need to track our replicas, and send them the messages. We assume that hosts that have received pages have them, until they tell us otherwise.

If we take a write-invalidate approach, we can punt on the first problem, leaving us with only the "accounting". Instead of figuring out exactly what has changed, we can just invalidate the whole page -- without wasting the time to resend the whole thing. If the host needs it again, it'll ask. In general, this is a much, much better approach, because the cost is very low since an invalidate message is small and the savings are potentially big -- a whole page with each byte written. Locality becomes less of a factor, if each byte changed forces a new page to be sent over the network. Of course, the balance could tip if locality were particular strong at the non-authoritative copies and the network was cheap, fast, and reliable.


Sometimes it is the case that a page is needed on one host, then another host, and then another host. If this is the case, it makes sense to migrate or move the page to the host that is using it, instead of constantly sending updates over the network as would be required if the active host had only a readable replica (as is the case if it isn't the owner).

Migration brings with it a good deal of complexity. Not only does the page itself need to move -- this is the point of the exercise, but everyone needs to know that it has moved. One approach to this problem is to use a directory to keep track of the objects and query this directory for the location of each object. But this directory will likely become a hot spot requiring replication. Once that happens, the directory itself becomes a "home improvement project" requiring consistency control.

Another approach is to keep the last-known location of an object on each host. Then, each time an object moves, the old location can point to the new location. These pointers can form chains so that even hosts that are far behind the times can reach objects. The chaining systems can be optimized a great deal. Think back to our discussion of mutual exclusion. Remember path compression? This approach was actually designed to manage migrating objects in a virtual memory system. What we called a "token" was actually the page. Hosts searched the chains and added themselves when they wanted to migrate the page to themselves. One could also imagine approaches based on broadcast messages, trees, or simple linked lists.

The real cost of managing migration isn't the cost of moving the page of data -- this is most likely done anyway. The real cost is keeping track of the location of the migratable objects.

The Balancing Act

We have disscussed three different approaches to managing distributed objects:

And each of these approaches can be applied to reads, writes, both, or some of each. Systems have policies to decide which to do and when. Most of the time, these are simple policies, such as the following (there are certainly more permutations):

In class we discussed the good, bad, and ugly of these and several other cases. But, the bottom line form this discussion is that the right decision is based on the characteristics of the particular configuration and the workload.

When writes are extremely rare, replication is often favored. If there are many writes and they pass temporally from host to host, migration may be favored. Migration might also be favored, if reads pass temporally from host to host, but writes are somewhat arbitrary. If writes are super-common and not temporally local to one host or another, remote access may be favored.

Introduction To Process Migration: The Non-Distributed Case

Now that we have discussed processor allocation, we are going to discuss process migration, the movement of a process from one processor to another. In many ways, process migration gives distributed systems the same freedom that centralized systems enjoy to schedule processes efficiently.

For example, in a non-distributed multiprocessor system, the scheduler is typically free to run any process on any processor. This enables it to avoid the situation where some processors are idle and other processors have long runnable queues. There is a cost associated with migrating a process to a different processor. This cost is the loss of the lines assocaited with the process in the processor's instruction a data caches. The resulting cache misses amount to a migration penalty. But this penalty is rather low, especially if one considers the penalty associated with an unnecessarily idle processor. In many cases, non-distributed systems simply neglect the cost associated with process migration.

The Costs of Process Migration in a Distributed Environment

Although the cost of process migration is so small that the topic is often left out of introductory operating systems courses (as was the case in 15-412), it is a compelling part of the discussion in distributed systems.

So what are the costs associated with process migration in a distributed system? Here are a few of the "biggies":

These costs are not typically negligible. They are represent a sufficiently high cost to make migration more work than it is worth -- the system is more efficient without the dead-weight loss. In other cases, they make the migration of the whole process too expensive. Although certain aspects of a process might be migrated, other aspects of the process remain on the original host. The remaining portions of the process create residual dependencies -- the migrated process still relies on the original host to provide the services that were not migrated.

Migrating Virtual Memory

There are several different techniques that can be used to migrate the virtual memory of a process. The most forward technique, often known as freeze and copy migration is to suspend or freeze the process on the original host, and then to copy all of the pages of memory to the new host. Once all of the memory has been copied, and the other aspects of the process have been resolved, the process's execution can be resumed on the new host.

This technique is nice because it is simple and clean. It is very easy to understand how it works and why it works. It is also easy to implement. And, perhaps best of all, it does not create a residual dependency. This especially important, if you consider what can happen if a process migrates many times, leaving a trail of residual dependencies. We'll see an example of this in a moment.

But there is a dark side to this technique. Many pages which are never used may be copied and sent over the network. This takes time. If the process is migrated several times, this cost adds up with each migration. To make matters worse, the process is running on neither host during this migration. If the goal of the migration is to get the process running sooner, things need to be pretty bogged down for it to be worth our time to keep it frozen this long.

Another, very similar technique, used in the V System, known as precopying attempts to address the latter of these concerns. It allows the process to continue to run on the original host, while the pages are being copied. This allows the process to make progress during most of the process. As before, this process is clean -- it does not create any residual dependencies.

But it does have two problems. The first is a familiar one: it wastes time copying pages that may never be used. The second concern is a new one. Since the process is running at the same time that the pages are being copied, some pages may change. These dirty pages must be transfered, before the process can resume execution on the new host. Although the freeze time is less than it is under the freeze and copy technique, the process must still be frozen to allow the recently dirty pages to be resolved. Since pages may be sent twice, this technique is also more expensive that freeze and copy, especially if the process writes to a lot of memory, such as might eb the case with sorting.

Another option, called lazy migration operates very similarly to demand paging in a standard operating system. The process is migrated, without moving the pages, themselves. Instead, pages are only migrated in response to page faults. The only initial cost associated with migrating the process is the small overhead of establishing the demand paging system. This technique is nice, becuase it spreads the cost of migration out over the lifetime of the process, and also because it avoids paying the migration penalty for pages that are no longer needed.

But there is, of course, a downside to this technique. It creates residual dependencies. The original host may end up holding onto pages indefinetly. If the process moves multiple times, several different hosts may end up holding onto various pieces of a process's memory. This is more than just "unclean". It is also multiplying the liklihood of an error. Instead of just relying on the stability of one host, the migrated process is relying on the stability of each of the several processors which are host to its various pages.

Another technique for process migration relies on the existence of a distributed file system. Basically, if the process's memory exists as a memory-mapped file in the DFS, the process's memory can be migrated simply by flushing the dirty blocks and mapping the file from a different host.

This, of course, isn't as clean as it may seem. As you'll learn when we discuss distributed file systems, distributed file systems aren't always perfectly consistent. Like all aspects of distributed systems, they compromise perfect consistency to achieve better performance. This can make the use of a DFS for backing store a bit difficult. The other cost involves the overhead of the network. If the backing store is a disk reachable only via a network, the cost of paging is increased by the round trip time of a page on the network. This makes the more common case slower.

Migration of Communication Channels

Let's assume that a migrating process is communicating with other processes via some IPC mechanism. Since we're talking about a distributed system, this communication may either occur between processes on the same host, or those connected via a network. If a process migrates, this communication must be able to continue.

There are two basic approaches to this problem -- they can certainly be combined. The first approach is to inform "interested" processes of the new location of a migrating process. What is an "interested" process? An interested process is any process that is currently communicating with the migrating process, or that already knows the location of the migrating process and might potentially communicate with it in the future. This approach is "clean" in the sense that it doesn't leave any residual dependencies. But it can be a bit difficult. How might a server know which clients know its location? It can also be expensive in the sense that it might send many unnecessary message. Which of the other processes are actually going to communicate with it in the future? Informing other processes is likely a waste of time and bandwidth.

The other approach is to set up some type of link redirection or forwarding at the original host of the migrating process. This approach creates a residual dependency and can increase the latency involved in sending messages to the migrated process, but makes the process of migration itself cheaper.

A hybrid appraoch is certainly possible. For example, it might be possible to set up link redirection, but also for the migrated process to inform processes of its new location as part of replies to their redirected queries. It might also be possible to set up link redirection, but also to inform recent correspondents of the new address shortly before or after migrating.

Any approach to migrating a process that can be involved in IPC will involved buffering messages. Messages should be buffered at the old location, until the new location is able to buffer them. The new location should buffer them until the migration is complete, and the migrated process can read them. This is depicted in the figure below:

It should also be noted that manipulating IPC for migrating processes is more straightforward on those operating systems that use media independent mechanisms for IPC than those that have different mechanism for different types of links. For example, Mach ues the same IPC for processes on the same host as for those connected via a network. By contrast, most UNIX applications use a different interface for IPC than for network communication -- of course it is certainyl possible to use the socket API for both.

Migrating Processes with Open Files

At first it would seem like a fairly straightforward task to migrate a process with oepn files -- and conceptually, it should be: show up at the new host and re-open the files (assuming a DFS). But, in truth, there is a great deal of state associated with an open file. Consider the system-wide open file table, the cached inodes, dirty blocks that may live only in the local buffer cache, &c.

If these sound like straightforward things to handle, consider migrating either a parent or child process -- rememeber that fork()'d proceses share the same file offset -- this would be a trick if they lived on different hosts. Also consider a process that writes to a file. The dirty blocks might live only in that host's block cache -- different DFSs offer different consistency guarantees (more soon).

For this reason, it is often much easier to leave the process dependent on the old host for file service. This isn't very clean -- it is again a residual dependency. But it is much more straightforward than trying to chase down all of the kernel state. And it makes some things (like proper) fork() semantics doable at an affordable price.

Kernel State

The same logic as above applies to many of the services that a kernel offers to processes. It is often easier to use leave a migrating process dependent on a prior (or berhaps first) host for these services.

Some operating systems offer "checkpointing and recovery". This feature allows all of a process's state to be saved to a file (much like a persistent object) and then a new process to be created (restored) based on this checkpoint file. This checkpoint file contains all of the "goods" including the kernel material.

This feature can be used for migration: a process is checkpointed and then killed. The checkpoint file is then shipped to a different host, where it is "recovered".

Migration and Idle Workstations

One common application for migration is to make use of idle workstations. In this case a process is migrated from the home host, where it was "born" to an idle workstation. If the owner of the workstation should return, the process is evicted back to the home machine. If the home machine gets too busy, it might again migrate to an idle workstation.

The idea of a home machine makes soem things much easier -- for example long link chains cannot occur, since processes must always pass through the home machine to get to another host. Of course, it can also add a step to the migration process, if the home machine is too busy to run an evicted process.

To Migrate? Or Not To Migrate?

Migrating a process requires a substantial investment. Will it pay off? Well, this depends. There are several things to consider:

Migrating Virtual Memory

There are several different techniques that can be used to migrate the virtual memory of a process. The most forward technique, often known as freeze and copy migration is to suspend or freeze the process on the original host, and then to copy all of the pages of memory to the new host. Once all of the memory has been copied, and the other aspects of the process have been resolved, the process's execution can be resumed on the new host.

This technique is nice because it is simple and clean. It is very easy to understand how it works and why it works. It is also easy to implement. And, perhaps best of all, it does not create a residual dependency. This especially important, if you consider what can happen if a process migrates many times, leaving a trail of residual dependencies. We'll see an example of this in a moment.

But there is a dark side to this technique. Many pages which are never used may be copied and sent over the network. This takes time. If the process is migrated several times, this cost adds up with each migration. To make matters worse, the process is running on neither host during this migration. If the goal of the migration is to get the process running sooner, things need to be pretty bogged down for it to be worth our time to keep it frozen this long.

Another, very similar technique, used in the V System, known as precopying attempts to address the latter of these concerns. It allows the process to continue to run on the original host, while the pages are being copied. This allows the process to make progress during most of the process. As before, this process is clean -- it does not create any residual dependencies.

But it does have two problems. The first is a familiar one: it wastes time copying pages that may never be used. The second concern is a new one. Since the process is running at the same time that the pages are being copied, some pages may change. These dirty pages must be transfered, before the process can resume execution on the new host. Although the freeze time is less than it is under the freeze and copy technique, the process must still be frozen to allow the recently dirty pages to be resolved. Since pages may be sent twice, this technique is also more expensive that freeze and copy, especially if the process writes to a lot of memory, such as might eb the case with sorting.

Another option, called lazy migration operates very similarly to demand paging in a standard operating system. The process is migrated, without moving the pages, themselves. Instead, pages are only migrated in response to page faults. The only initial cost associated with migrating the process is the small overhead of establishing the demand paging system. This technique is nice, becuase it spreads the cost of migration out over the lifetime of the process, and also because it avoids paying the migration penalty for pages that are no longer needed.

But there is, of course, a downside to this technique. It creates residual dependencies. The original host may end up holding onto pages indefinetly. If the process moves multiple times, several different hosts may end up holding onto various pieces of a process's memory. This is more than just "unclean". It is also multiplying the liklihood of an error. Instead of just relying on the stability of one host, the migrated process is relying on the stability of each of the several processors which are host to its various pages.

Another technique for process migration relies on the existence of a distributed file system. Basically, if the process's memory exists as a memory-mapped file in the DFS, the process's memory can be migrated simply by flushing the dirty blocks and mapping the file from a different host.

This, of course, isn't as clean as it may seem. As you'll learn when we discuss distributed file systems, distributed file systems aren't always perfectly consistent. Like all aspects of distributed systems, they compromise perfect consistency to achieve better performance. This can make the use of a DFS for backing store a bit difficult. The other cost involves the overhead of the network. If the backing store is a disk reachable only via a network, the cost of paging is increased by the round trip time of a page on the network. This makes the more common case slower.