Game Name: Dungeon
Development Team: David Liaw (
Game Description: The main character starts in a dungeon and must remove all the goblins and orcs in the dungeon area. The main character can move freely through the corridors but when opens a door it must remove all the enemies in the room before it can leave the room. Even though there is one main character, there will be two characters, one can control during the fighting mode. The main characters have starting attributes and must complete the dungeon area without dying. The characters fight by a simple random roll of dice. Each dice have a 1/3 chance of attack and ½ chance of defend. It also has a 1/6 chance of doing nothing. All characters (except the elf) must stand next to the character he wants to attack.
Number of Dice Used
A: Attack |
Barbarian |
Elf |
Orc |
Goblin |
Barbarian (A) |
4 A/ 3 Defend |
4 A/ 2 Defend |
Elf (A) |
3 A/ 3 Defend |
3 A/ 2 Defend |
Orc (A) |
3 A/ 4 Defend |
3 A/ 3 Defend |
Goblin (A) |
2 A/ 4 Defend |
2 A/ 2 Defend |
Game Features: 1. Single Player Movement with Two player fighting.
2. Main Character: Barbarian, Secondary Character: Elf
3. Another person controls enemies (unless AI is complete)
4. One dungeon area only!
5. Free movement through corridors
6. Fighting Mode: movement by dice (random) movement
7. One item (health potion)
8. Possibly tables and bookshelves in the first person view.
Technical Features: 1. Three Windows:
2. Models of Barbarian, Elf, Orc, and Goblin.
3. Possible Enemy A.I.
Implementation Plan: 1. Create 2-dimensional board by just using a grid pattern
2. Read in three files to create the board: one gives the wall location, one gives the number of each room, one gives the location of all the enemies and barbarian
3. The first person will be put into a cube list of the board. Depending on the where the barbarian is on the board those cube list will be shown (ex: if he is in room one, then cube list which are linked to room 1 will be run.
4. Models will be created with simple shapes (cylinders, circles, rectangles), and then texture mapped.
5. The first person view will have simple walls and cavern looking floors. The barbarian can only rotate in the around the y-direction, and translate in the x and z-direction.
Schedule: November 5th: Start programming.
November 26th: Get window A & window B up. Also, working game.
December 13th: Get window C working with possible A.I. of enemies.