Work Completed:
1. I have completed the text
window the game. It shows the characters and there hit points. Also, it has the
number of potions, the dice value, and the attack and defend
dices. It toggles (highlights blue) through the characters during fight mode to
determine whose turn it is.
2. The board (grid) game is
built and characters are represented as circles. The blue circle is the main
character (barbarian), the red circles are goblin, and the green circles are
orcs. During fight mode the yellow circle represents the elf. The game play is
complete and will function correctly in the grid window. To play the game read
the “Readme” file.
3. The board is represented in
3D and put in the 3rd window. Depending on where the barbarian is
certain parts of the board are displayed.
Work Remaining:
1. Need to translate to the
correct spot in the 3D board and the grid board.
2. Need to either create models
in opengl or download models from an outside source (need model for elf, orc,
and goblin).
3. Get the translation and
rotation that correspond to the movement of the barbarian in the grid window.
Current Bottlenecks:
1. Initial translation position
is screwed up in the 3D board, related to the grid window
2. Deciding on creating models
or downloading models
Time Line:
November 26th: Finish text and grid window
December 9th: Get models
in the game
December 13th: Have
translations & rotations working