Game: Dungeon
Description:you start of in a dungeon as a blue circle. then you can move
freely through the corridors. The walls are represented as brown in the grid,
and whit lines are places you can go through. When you get into a room, you
will have to remove all the enemies in the room, before leaving the room. The
red circles represent goblins, and the green represent orcs. When you fight, a
companion (the elf) will join you to fight. You have to just clear all the
rooms to finish the game with barbarian alive (the elf can die). The elf cannot
finish the game alone.
Files: there are three files that are takin in to get the board to load. There
is a wall file, room file, and enemy file.
To run: ./proj level
level just has the names of the three other files.
Move through corridors (keys):
e : move up
s : move left
f : move right
d : move down
Move through Fight mode (keys): (note: the character highlighted in blue (in
the text window) is the person moving)
e: move up
s: move left
f: move right
d: move down
for all characters except elf:
i: attack character above you
j: attack character left of you
k: attack character below you
l: attack character right of you
p: end turn
attacks for elf (note: elf can
attack anyone from anywhere):
i: attack enemy 1
j: attack enemy 2
k: attack enemy 3
l: attack enemy 4
for elf and barbarian
o: use potion (currently potion
increase hp by 10)
moving is dependent on the current dice roll amount. when the room is cleared
the elf disappears, and you can walk freely through the room.