Game Name:

Interloper (ie. XCOM in 3D)


Development Team:

Elijah McNally (

Paul Harada (

Game Description:

Interloper is set in a hostile subterranean alien colony.  The objective to this turn based, team based strategy game is to survive and clear the level of enemy units.  Player units will progress in some measurable form and teams can be saved under certain circumstances, so improved units may be reused later.


Technical Features:


·        AI controlled enemy team

·        Union Find algorithm based map design

·        Unit class, containing player and enemies

·        Weapon class, for attacking damage

·        OctTree for terrain clipping

·        Lighting via point of view

·        Character clipping and rendering

·        Save State ability to store characters


Implementation Plan:


·        AI controlled enemy team

·        Union Find algorithm based map design

·        Unit class, containing player and enemies

·        Weapon class, for attacking damage and projectiles

·        OctTree for terrain clipping

·        Lighting via point of view

·        Character clipping and rendering

·        Save State ability to store characters

·        Terrain Generation routines

·        Unit characteristics

·        Weapon actions and effects

·        Basic play controls

o       Unit sight

o       God sight

o       Selecting units

o       Control feature interface

·        Enemy AI and controls

·        Unit texture mapping and modeling

Extra features:


·        Sound

·        Multiple weapons

·        Multiple enemies

·        AI movement and pathfinding




November 11th             Terrain and Underlying Framework

November 20th             Basic play control finished

November 26th             Feature addition

December 6th               Code complete, and freeze

December 13th             Finished