The Quarks is a networked, multiplayer, team-based capture-the-flag game. Each team controls a band of characters called Quarks--one player per character. The object is as that of standard capture-the-flag: each team has a base and a team flag, and the object of the game is to capture the opponents' flag and return it to your base. Each Quark is able to walk and jump small distances, as well as perform special abilities which allow them to modify the level terrain as well as directly interfere with other characters.
This game was developed as a final project for CMU 15-493, Computer Game Programming. Our thanks go to the course instructors.
Read our game post-mortem and project summary [PDF format].
Our intro screen (huge dimensions, GIF)
Screenshot: 1 (800x640, JPG) Fading explosion destroys
Screenshot: 2 (800x640, JPG) Charging up for
a large blast
Screenshot: 3 (800x640, JPG) . . . and firing
it . . .
Screenshot: 4 (800x640, JPG) . . . and watching
it knock some skulls.
Screenshot: 5 (800x640, JPG) Masochism.
Screenshot: 6 (800x640, JPG) Building a land
Screenshot: 7 (800x640, JPG) And blowing it
up. Sense we perhaps a pattern?
Screenshot: 8 (800x640, JPG) Going for the
flag pickup. Good view of inverted gravity.
Screenshot: 9 (800x640, JPG) Charging up again.
Screenshot: 10 (800x640, JPG) What goes up,
must go . . . up?
Screenshot: 11 (800x640, JPG) A little more
mayhem . . . red captures the flag.