Group Size
This lab is to be done in groups ranging from one to two people. It is a fairly modest amount of work, so your entire group needs to be present any time you work on the project.
This assignment is pretty quick and dirty. We've provided you with a Windows VM. It contains verious pieces of software and user accounts. Your job is to find and recovery as many passwords as you can. To help you, Cain and Able is already installed. Additionally, recall that Windows comes with regedit, a registry editor and viewer.
Networking on this image has been disabled. Leave it that way. If you feel that you want to install additional software, you can if you really want. to do that, you'll want to download the whole package, not just the installer, to the host, and then move it into the guest. This image is not up-to-date on patches, etc. We wanted it to be small. Do not use it for anything other than exactly this assignment. Get a copy for your team, and only for your team. Do not give it to anyone else.
The VM is in the handout directory in compressed form. It is only available with an authenticated Andrew AFS token. Copy it over to wherever you are working and uncompress it. Check out the README and go from there.Once complete, turn in a .txt file, named after your team members. This file should contian a simple list of every name/password tuple that you recover, and a couple or three paragraphs about the process you used to acquire them.
One Important Note
Before launching VirtualBox, run the "setup-vmm" script to unload conflicting kernel modules and load the correct ones. It is easy, e.g. "setupvmm virtualbox"
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