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Lab #4 Steps 3&4
Checkpoint Due: Tuesday, April 14th
Final Lab Due: Thursday, April 30th

The Checkpoint

You shoud have received feedback on your proposal indicating what we expect to be done for the checkpoint. Please put your code, at the time of the checkpoint, into the handin directory on AFS and we will look at it to make sure you're on track.

Final Submission

For the final submission of your lab, please submit a copy of your code along with a writeup explaining what you've done. The writeup should explain the problem you were trying to solve with your project and outline your approach for doing so. This should include an explanation of what your Map and Reduce steps do. This should be detailed enough that someone can understand how your project works without looking at your code. Additionally, please provide examples of what you've learned by running your project. We expect the entire writeup to be about two pages in length.


We're Here To Help!

As always -- remember, we're here to help!