
We used VQGAN as our generative model and condition the output to the music lyrics by using CLIP as a similarity metric that generates a loss between the model output and lyric input. We can then backprop this loss to optimize the latent code z of the VQGAN to create an image that captures what the lyrics are portraying. To fill in the gaps between keyframes to create a smooth video, we interpolate the z latent space between two consecutive keyframes.


What A Wonderful World

Song by Louis Armstrong

Strawberry Fields Forever

Song by The Beatles


Vibe Conditional

We precondition the output of the GAN model based on certain vibes to tune the artistic nature of the music video. Below are samples of the changes that vibes can add to the output.

Without vibes Painting Dark Weird


Vector-Quantized Generative Adversarial Network (VQGAN) is a deep learning model that can be thought of as a combination of VQVAE and GAN. VQGAN has similar GAN architecture with a Generator that creates an image from a latent code, and a Discriminator that is tasked to differentiate between real or fake images. The Generator and Discriminator are then trained together whereby the two tried to outdo each other. At test time, we only use the Generator to generate an image by sampling the latent code. VQVAE has several additional properties from the vanilla GAN. It uses image patches for the Encoder and the Discriminator. It has a codebook of representation that is learned using a Transformer.

The Vector-Quantization method is taken from the Vector-Quantized Variational AutoEncoder (VQVAE) paper. Instead of learning a continuous distribution for priors, it quantized the problem by first learning a codebook of embeddings that can be retrieved easily. VQGAN employs a similar method.


Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) is a deep learning model that has been trained on millions of image-text pairs. The novelty of this model is that it employs contrastive learning. Therefore, on top of teaching to model to learn to find the most similar image and text pairs, it forces to model to distance a particular embedding from its non-pairs. Concretely, the model first extracts embeddings from the dataset of images and text descriptions. The exact information about encoders used is not important, but the paper experimented with ResNet/Transformers for the image encoder and Transformers for the word encoder. The model then compared each image embedding to each text embedding, creating an N-squared matrix. The objective functions is to maximize the similarity between the correct image-text pairs, e.g. I1 and T1 and minimize the similarity between all others, e.g. I1 and T2. One can use many different similarity metrics, but the paper mentioned that it used cosine similarity.

The strength of CLIP as compared to other image-text models can be seen with the example below. Not only did CLIP correctly associate the images and texts, but CLIP predicted that the other options has very low probability. A model that is not trained contrastively might still have the same highest scoring result, but the other options might still have relatively high probability. This capability is important to use because we are repurposing CLIP for our keyframe generation is a zero-shot fashion, i.e. we have not re-trained for fine-tuned the CLIP model to our inputs, therefore having a strong understanding of image and text embeddings is important. This also allows the fine-tuned optimization to our lyrics, producing outputs that are visually different even though semantically adjacent lyric segments can be similar. This avoids mode collapse in the generative model, making sure our music video is interesting.

Our Pipeline

Our pipeline starts off with the entire lyric text of a song. We then break the lyrics apart into segments based on semantics, such as "I see skies of blue, and clouds of white" and "The bright blessed day". The timing information from the original song audio is taken into account to know the temporal length of each lyric segment, so that we can sync the keyframes generated to the song audio. We then use an initial latent code z and use it to generate an image from the VQGAN. The two are used as input to CLIP to generate a similarity score for our online optimization. One trick we used is to use the previous frame latent code z as an initial latent code for the next frame, as such we maintain some temporal consistency between the keyframes as they will not be optimized from random samples everytime, only the very first keyframe. Once we have obtained the keyframes for all the lyric segments along with their latent codes, we used the temporal length of each lyric segments to interpolate between consecutive latent codes at the correct granularity to create enough intermediary frames to be stitched together as a music video.

During our forward pass through the network, we will randomly sample a latent code z to generate an image from the VQGAN and pass that output image to CLIP along with the lyric segment to generate a similarity score. During the backward pass, we freeze the VQGAN and CLIP weights as we do not want to optimize their parameters anymore. The gradient descent optimization will only affect the latent code z which we randomly selected at the start. The end result of the online optimization will be a generated image that is conditional on the lyric segment.

We used the .lrc file format standard to indicate the timing of each lyric segments. This allow for automatic processing with an attacked .mp3 file to create the music video without manual post-processing or editing. Below is a sample of an .lrc file, users can create their own music video by simply creating another .lrc file and its corresponding audio file.

[00:06.34]I see trees of green, red roses too
[00:13.97]I see them bloom for me and you
[00:19.80]And I think to myself what a wonderful world


The model overall is able to create a decent music video that matches the lyrics. This is done with zero-shot learning as the model was not fine-tuned to these inputs or tasks.

Strength & Weaknesses


  • The model is able to create music video that captures the essence of the lyrics
  • The music video is smooth temporally without abrupt jumps
  • The Pipeline is end-to-end, with minimal work required by the users
  • The model is able to create good-looking images without much artifacts such as noise and grains


  • Images are not photo-realistic. This is because of the nature of the generative model we used
  • Lyric interpretation is too literal, and does not understand the nuances of human culture
  • The model is not able to create large variation of image outputs, unless we explicitly change the vibes
  • The model requires a large amount of memory, the output is limited to 360p with consumer-grade GPU

Future Work

  • Run sentiment analysis on audio segments of the song for a particular lyric segment, and use it as conditional to generate video frame, e.g. “happy” or “sad”
  • Use Frame Interpolation, i.e. interpolate in pixel space instead of latent space to create the video between the video frames
  • Automatic lyric segmentation to automatically segment the lyrics at natural breakpoints. This can be based on grammatical cues, e.g. end of sentences or content cues, e.g. moving to a different topic