Neural Style Transfer

Shiva Peri - Assignment 4

Part 1: Reconstruction Results

In part 1 of this assignment, we used the neural style transfer optimization with pretrained vgg19 model architecture and minimized the ContentLoss only. Ideally, the resultant image is a reconstruction of the content image. Below we illustrate the impact of applying ContentLoss after various convolutional blocks in the vgg19 feature extractor. Clearly we can see that the earlier in the feature extractor we observe the ContentLoss, the better the reconstruction. Conversely, the later we observe the ContentLoss, the noisier the reconstruction. This makes sense, as the feature dimensions get smaller deeper into the network. As a result, there are less constraints to minimize, and more of the noisy input image can remain unchanged.

layer 1 (seed = 0)
layer 2 (seed = 0)
layer 2 (seed = 10)
layer 3
layer 4
layer 5

Part 2: Texture Synthesis Results

In part 2 of this assignment, we used the neural style transfer optimization with pretrained vgg19 model architecture and minimized the StyleLoss only. Ideally, the resultant image maintains the noise of the input image, but has a stylized texture. Notably, the earlier in the vgg19 architecture we observe the StyleLoss, the texture is stylized in larger regions. As we observe the StyleLoss at deeper levels, the texture is stylized at a finer grain. Note that observing the StyleLoss after all convolutional blocks results in the qualitatively best stylized texture. This is likely because both fine and course details are maintained.

*prior to this test, I used lr=1, however, with layer5 and lr=1, the resultant image was entirely black. From this point on, all generated images use lr=0.1

layer 1 (seed = 0)
layer 2 (seed = 0)
layer 3 (seed = 0)
layer 4 (seed = 0)
layer 5* (seed = 0)
all layers (seed = 0)

Part 3: Style Transfer Results

In the final part, we optimize the image according to both the ContentLoss and StyleLoss. We can see qualitatively in all included examples that using the content as the input image provides a better result than using noise as the input image.

Parameters used: ContentLoss after conv_4, StyleLoss after all conv blocks, 300 iterations, style_weight=1000000, content_weight=1

Noise Input (lr = 0.1)
Content Input (lr = 0.1)

Noise Input (lr = 0.1)
Content Input (lr = 0.1)

Noise Input (lr = 0.1)
Content Input (lr = 0.1)
Noise Input (lr = 0.5)
Content Input (lr = 0.5)