Project 0

This project was to learn how to submit assignments and create this page. I started off of a CSS template, but I think it looks pretty good, no?

I guess I should add a little more text here to fill out the page, but there's not much else to say.

//Oh, I guess it is kinda cool that I can add inline code here.
//This may be of use, or it may not. I guess we'll have to see

// For now, I'll just drop in the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula for fun

float pi = 0;
float digit = 1;

for(int k = 0; k < 100; k++) {
	pi += digit * (4. / (8 * k + 1));
	pi -= digit * (2. / (8 * k + 4));
	pi -= digit * (1. / (8 * k + 5));
	pi -= digit * (1. / (8 * k + 6));

	digit /= 16;
