GAN Photo Editing

Beilei Zhang


Vanilla Gan with different perceptual loss lambda

The output of the Vanilla Gan is not ideal, It's hard to tell which result is better. The model is fragile and not always converge after 500 iteration.

Style Gan | W space | different perceptual loss lambda

StyleGan has a much better performance than Vanilla GAN. It seems perceptual loss help capture the pose of the target cat. 50% perceptual loss and 50% pixel loss is ideal for the final result

Style Gan | W+ space | different perceptual loss lambda

With mapping z to w+ space, even a small lambda value give decent result. It seems 20% perceptual loss + 80% pixel loss give the best result

The best and fastest result

The styleGAN shows better result especially with w+ embedded space. However, the vanilla GAN is faster to trained because of its structure simplicity


Interpolating between two cats

Interpolating between 0.png, 1.png

Interpolating between two cats

Interpolating between 2.png, 3.png

Scribble to Image

Generate with color constrains

If there are too much color in the user input, the cat tend to be blur and pale