Assignment 3 When Cats meet GANs
Name : Divam Gupta
Andrew ID : divamg
Deep Convolutional GAN
Given width , kernal size, stride and padding the new width of the output is given by w' = (w-k+2p)/2 + 1
hence for the all the layers except last the padding should be 1 and the padding of last layer should be 0
Loss Plots
We can observe that all the losses decrease over time. We also observe that the fluctuation in the loss values are also decreased over time.
We can see qualitatively that the outputs of the GAN improve. Initially the GAN only generates noise, then it starts outputting the same image, but towards the end it learns to generate the cat images in different poses / colors.
Without Cyclic Consistency Loss
With cyclic consistency loss:
We observe that the model with the cyclic consistency loss performs better than the model without cyclic consistency loss
Visually the X-Y looks much better than the Y-X.
Although we can see that the poses and positions of the eyes are aligned with each other. Which is learned by the model in an unsupervised way.