/* * Code to process options from * command line arguments. Arguments can be integers, * floats, or strings. Allow prefix of argument name, as long as * unambigous. Also support printing of usage information. */ void add_int_option(char *name, int *var); void add_double_option(char *name, double *var); void add_string_option(char *name, char **var); /* Print usage information and exit */ void usage(char *prog); /* * Parse option from arguments. Print error message & exit if any problems * If otherargs nonnull, fill it with any nonoption arguments. * Return number of such arguments. */ int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], char *otherargs[]); /* Parse options from file */ void parse_option_file(char *prog, FILE *option_file); /* Show which options are in effect */ void show_options(FILE *outfile);