Description: Iterative List Length, f(1024) = 1024, Read 799.9870 MHz from line 'cpu MHz : 799.987 ' Processor Clock Rate ~= 0.8000 GHz (extracted from file) CPE = 4.05 Description: Iterative List Sum, f(1024) = 523776, CPE = 2.84 Description: Pipelined List Sum with old, f(1024) = 523776, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Sum with new, f(1024) = 523776, CPE = 0.69 Description: Recursive List Length, f(1024) = 1024, CPE = 0.69 Description: Recursive List Sum, f(1024) = 523776, CPE = 0.69 Description: List Length with Clear, f(1024) = 1024, CPE = 0.73 Description: List Sum with Clear, f(1024) = 523776, CPE = 0.69 Description: List Copy, list --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: List Copy, list --> list->next, CPE = 0.69 Description: List Copy, list->next --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy Do-While, list --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy Do-While, list --> list->next, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy Do-While, list->next --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy While, list --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy While, list --> list->next, CPE = 0.69 Description: Pipelined List Copy While, list->next --> list, CPE = 0.69 Description: Stationary Copy, list --> list, CPE = 0.00 Description: Stationary Copy, list --> list->next, CPE = 0.00 Description: Stationary Copy, list->next --> list, CPE = -0.00