18-667: Algorithms for Large-scale Distributed Machine Learning and Optimization


Prof. Gauri Joshi (gaurij)

Teaching Assistants:

Baris Askin(baskin)
Arian Raje(araje)
Siddharth Shah(sgshah)
Tong Shen(tongshen)
Ritvika Sonawane(rsonawan)
Chuqi Zhang(chuqiz)
Ziyi Zhang(ziyizhan)


Mon/Wed 10:00am-11:50am ET, Remote only, Zoom info posted on Piazza


Friday 9:10-10:00am ET, Remote only, Zoom info posted on Piazza

Office Hours: Zoom info posted on Piazza

Prof. Gauri JoshiTues 2:00 pm-3:00 pm, CIC 4119
Baris AskinTues 10:00 am - 11:00 am, CIC 4th floor common area
Arian RajeWed 9:00 am - 10:00 am, HH 1210
Siddharth ShahTues, 3:30 pm-4:30 pm, HH1304
Tong ShenMon 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm, CIC 4th floor common area
Ritvika SonawaneThurs, 12:00pm-1:00pm, HH1304
Chuqi ZhangFri, 1:00pm-2:00pm HH1210
Ziyi ZhangThurs 1:00 pm-2:00pm, HH 1304

Course Overview

The objective of this course is to introduce students to state-of-the-art algorithms in large-scale machine learning and distributed optimization, in particular, the emerging field of federated learning. Topics to be covered include but are not limited to:


Comparison with Related Courses


Students are expected to read the research paper discussed in each lecture and review the lecture slides to prepare for the quizzes and homework assignments. Material covered in the first part of the class is also in Prof. Joshi's book on Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Machine Learning, available through CMU libraries


We will use Piazza for class discussions. We strongly encourage students to post on this forum rather than emailing the course staff directly (this will be more efficient for both students and staff). Students should use Piazza to:

The course Academic Integrity Policy must be followed on the message boards at all times. Do not post or request homework solutions! Also, please be polite.

Tentative Grading Policy

Grades will be based on the following components:

Collaboration Policy

Group studying and collaborating on problem sets are encouraged, as working together is a great way to understand new material. Students are free to discuss the homework problems with anyone under the following conditions: Students are encouraged to read CMU's Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism.

Schedule (subject to change)

Date Lecture/Recitation Readings Announcements
08/26 Intro and Logistics [Slides]

08/28 SGD and its Variants in Machine Learning [Slides]

08/30 Math Review

HW1 release
09/02 Labor Day; No classes

09/04 SGD Convergence Analysis [Slides] [Annotated]

09/06 PyTorch tutorial

09/09 Variance-reduced SGD, Distributed Synchronous SGD [Slides] [Annotated]

09/11 Asynchronous SGD, Hogwild [Slides] [Annotated]

09/13 Guest Lecture

09/16 Local-update SGD [Slides] [Annotated]

09/18 Adacomm, Elastic Averaging, Overlap SGD [Slides] [Annotated]

09/20 Concept Review and Practice

HW1 due; HW2 release
09/23 Quiz 1

9/25 Quantized and Sparsified Distributed SGD [Slides] [Annotated]

9/27 Guest Lecture: Leveraging Correlation in Sparsified SGD

9/30 Decentralized SGD [Slides] [Annotated]

10/02 Federated Learning Intro [Slides] [Annotated]

10/04 Guest Lecture on Decentralized SGD

10/07 Data Heterogeneity in FL [Slides] [Annotated]

10/09 Computational Heterogeneity in FL [Slides] [Annotated]
10/11 Guest Lecture: FedExp

HW2 due; HW3 release
10/14 Fall Break

10/16 Fall Break

10/18 Fall Break

10/21 Client Selection and Partial Participation [Slides] [Annotated]

10/23 Personalized Federated Learning [Slides] [Annotated]

10/25 Concept Review and Practice

10/28 Quiz 2

10/30 Multi-task Learning [Slides] [Annotated]

11/01 Guest Lecture

HW3 due
11/04 Federated Min-max Optimization [Slides] [Annotated]

11/06 Fairness and Participation Incentives [Slides] [Annotated]

11/8 Guest Lecture

Project titles and teams due; HW4 release

11/11 Differential Privacy in Dist. Optimization [Slides] [Annotated]

11/13 Secure Aggregation in Distributed Learning [Slides] [Annotated]

11/15 Guest Lecture

11/18 Robustness to Adversaries [Slides] [Annotated]

11/20 Federated Learning in the LLM Era [Slides]

11/22 Concept Review and Practice

11/25 Quiz 3

11/27 Thanksgiving Break

11/29 Thanksgiving Break

12/02 Project Presentations

12/04 Project Presentations

HW4 due

12/06 Project Presentations


Project reports due