Jayathi Y. Murthy
Dhanunjay Boyalakuntla
Room 314 Scaife Hall
Room 310 Scaife Hall
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213
Pittsburgh PA 15213
(412) 268-3677 (phone)
(412) 268-3765 (phone)
(412) 268-3348 (fax)
(412) 268-3348 (fax)
2. Lectures and Recitations
Lectures: MWF 12:30 - 1:20 PM PH 100
Recitation: Section A T 10:30 -11:20 AM HH B131
Section B Th 10:30 -11:20 AM HH B131
You are expected to bring your textbook to every class. You will need it to look up thermodynamic tables during the lectures, quizzes and exams.
4. Assignments
Approximately 5-6 problems will be assigned every Friday, and will be due the following Friday. You are free to discuss the problems with your classmates and with the intructor and TA to enhance your understanding. However, the final submission must be your own work.
Assignments will not be graded except to ensure that you have submitted them. A nominal weight is ascribed to them in determining the final grade. However, it is critical that you do the assignments and submit them because the weekly quizzes (see below) are based on these assignments. It is generally difficult to do well on the quizzes if you have not done the assignments.
All assignments will be posted weekly on the class web-page. Solutions will be posted the following week. No hard copies of these documents will be handed out in class. You are expected to download them from the class webpage and bring them to class for use in in-class discussions.
Two mid-term examinations will be held. The dates for these examinations are set tentatively for October 2, 2000 and November 6, 2000. An announcement confirming these dates will be made in class. The mid-term examinations will be held during regular class hours, and will each be one hour long. They will be open book, open notes. A final examination will be held during finals week. Details about the final will be announced at an appropriate time.
Solutions to all quizzes and examinations will be posted on the class web page soon after the event.
A weekly informal review session will be held in Scaife Hall 322 on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 pm to help in preparing for the weekly quizzes. Attendance is optional, but students usually find it extremely helpful to attend.
A mixture of absolute and relative grading will determine the final grade for the class.
8. Class Web Page
The class web page may be found at