ME 24-221
Course Outline
1. Introduction to Thermodynamics and its Applications
Broad outline of thermodynamics including the First and Second Laws
Applications to power plants, refrigerators and other engineering devices
2. Concepts and Definitions
Control mass, control volume
Micro/macroscopic view points
Sytems, properties, states, processes, cycles
3. Properties of a Pure Substance
Phase equilibrium
Equation of state for a simple compressible substance
Thermodynamic properties and tables
4. Work and Heat
Definition and units of work
Work done by boundary motion
Definition and units of heat
Modes of heat transfer
5. First Law of Thermodynamics
First Law for control mass
Concept of energy, internal energy, enthalpy
Specific heat
6. First Law Analysis of Control Volume
Conservation of mass
Conservation of energy
Steady state, steady flow processes
Unsteady processes
7. Second Law of Thermodynamics
Reversible process
Carnot cycle, Carnot efficiency
8. Entropy
Clausius inequality
Entropy as a property
Entropy change of a control mass
Entropy change of solids, liquids, ideal gases
9. Second Law Analysis of Control Volume
Steady state, steady flow processes
Unsteady flow processes
Principle of increasing entropy
10. Irreversibility and Availability
Availability, reversible work and irreversibility
Availability and Second Law efficiency
11. Power and Refrigeration Cycles
Rankine cycle
Air-Standard cycles
Brayton cycle
Otto and Diesel cycles
Vapor compression refrigeration cycles
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