The writeup due date will be announced in class. Only one writeup is required per
group. A formal format is not required, but be sure to address the following issues.
Include all your work in the writeup and justify all your answers. Tabulate results
wherever appropriate.
- Plant Identification
- Given your open loop step response, calculate the gain and time constant (K and
- Write the open loop transfer function of the amp-motor-tach system with the numerical
values you obtained (watch units!).
- Controller Design
- Draw the region of the complex plane in which closed-loop poles will satisfy the design
criteria. Circle the minimally acceptable pole locations and verify that these agree with
the desired closed-loop poles used in lab.
- Use the sketching rules to draw a root locus of the compensated system. Be sure to
calculate asymptotes and break-out point. (show your work for this)
- Controller Circuit
- Derive the transfer function of the controller circuit. Show that it cvorresponds to
equation (5).
- Show your calculations for funding the resistor values used in lab.
- Closed-Loop Response
- Find the closed-loop transfer function. What are the poles and zeros? Verify that the
poles lie in the proper locations. Do you expect the desired poles to be dominant?
- Compare your measured SS error, Tp, Ts, and %OV to the desired response parameters.
- The response was probably not as expected. What caused this?
- Simulate the closed-loop system's step response using the step command in
Matlab. Compare SS error, Tp, Ts, and %OV to that obtained in lab.
- Calculate the expected SS ramp error. Compare this to what you observed.
- How well did the control system reject disturbances? What gives it this ability?
Lab 4 - Motor Speed Control with Lead Compensator and Integral Control
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Jonathan Luntz, Bill Messner
Thu Apr 16, 1998
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