
24-672: DIY Design and Fabrication

  Spring 2023   



Total Website Complete? Website Content Website Graphic Quality
  Website link was submitted and content available Website contains relevant content for each project and is well documented and up to date Website layout and graphics are well organized and thought out
93.42 4.72 4.22 4.00
100.00 5 5 5
100.00 5 5 5
100.00 5 5 5
100.00 5 5 5
100.00 5 5 5
98.50 5 5 4.5
98.50 5 4.5 5
98.50 5 4.5 5
98.50 5 4.5 5
98.50 5 5 4.5
98.50 5 4.5 5
98.50 5 4.5 5
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 4.5 4.5
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 4.5 4.5
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 5 4
97.00 5 4 5
97.00 5 5 4
95.50 4 5 4.5
95.50 5 4.5 4
95.50 5 4.5 4
95.50 5 5 3.5
95.50 5 4 4.5
95.50 5 4.5 4
94.00 5 5 3
94.00 5 5 3
94.00 5 4 4
94.00 5 4 4
94.00 5 4 4
94.00 5 4 4
92.50 5 4 3.5
92.50 5 3.5 4
92.50 5 4.5 3
92.50 4.5 4 4
92.50 5 3.5 4
92.50 5 3.5 4
91.00 5 4 3
91.00 4.5 4 3.5
91.00 4 3.5 4.5
91.00 5 4 3
88.00 5 3 3
88.00 4 3 4
86.50 4 3 3.5
86.50 3.5 3 4
85.00 4 4 2
83.50 2.5 2.5 4.5
83.50 4.5 3 2
80.50 4 1.5 3
67.00 1 1 2



Send email to Professor Kenji Shimada ( shimada @
with questions or comments about this web site.