The Finite Element Method
finite element method is a numerical technique, well suited to digital computers,
which can be applied to solve problems in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics,
heat transfer and vibrations. The procedures to solve problems in each of
these fields is similar; however this discussion will address the application
of finite element methods to solid mechanics problems. In all finite element
models the domain (the solid in solid mechanics problems) is divided into
a finite number of elements. These elements are connected at points called
nodes. In solids models, displacements in each element are directly related
to the nodal displacements. The nodal displacements are then related to
the strains and the stresses in the elements. The finite element method
tries to choose the nodal displacements so that the stresses are in equilibrium
(approximately) with the applied loads. The nodal displacements must also
be consistent with any constraints on the motion of the structure.
finite element method converts the conditions of equilibrium into a set
of linear algebraic equations for the nodal displacements. Once the equations
are solved, one can find the actual strains and stresses in all the elements.
By breaking the structure into a larger number of smaller elements, the
stresses become closer to achieving equilibrium with the applied loads.
Therefore an important concept in the use of finite element methods is that,
in general, a finite element model approaches the true solution to the problem
only as the element density is increased (see the discussion on Limitations
of Finite Element Methods)
are a number of steps in the solution procedure using finite element methods.
All finite element packages require the user to go through these steps in
one form or another.
Specifying Geometry - First the geometry of the structure to be analyzed
is defined. This can be done either by entering the geometric information
in the finite element package through the keyboard or mouse, or by importing
the model from a solid modeler like Pro/ENGINEER.
Specify Element Type and Material Properties - Next, the material properties
are defined. In an elastic analysis of an isotropic solid these consist
of the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio of the material.
Mesh the Object - Then, the structure is broken (or meshed) into small elements.
This involves defining the types of elements into which the structure will
be broken, as well as specifying how the structure will be subdivided into
elements (how it will be meshed). This subdivision into elements can either
be input by the user or, with some finite element programs (or add-ons)
can be chosen automatically by the computer based on the geometry of the
structure (this is called automeshing).
Apply Boundary Conditions and External Loads - Next, the boundary conditions
(e.g. location of supports) and the external loads are specified.
Generate a Solution - Then the solution is generated based on the previously
input parameters.
Postprocessing - Based on the initial conditions and applied loads, data
is returned after a solution is processed. This data can be viewed in a
variety of graphs and displays.
Refine the Mesh - Finite element methods are approximate methods and, in
general, the accuracy of the approximation increases with the number of
elements used. The number of elements needed for an accurate model depends
on the problem and the specific results to be extracted from it. Thus, in
order to judge the accuracy of results from a single finite element run,
you need to increase the number of elements in the object and see if or
how the results change.
Interpreting Results - This step is perhaps the most critical step in the
entire analysis because it requires that the modeler use his or her fundamental
knowledge of mechanics to interpret and understand the output of the model.
This is critical for applying correct results to solve real engineering
problems and in identifying when modeling mistakes have been made (which
can easily occur).
eight steps mentioned above have to be carried out before any meaningful
information can be obtained regardless of the size and complexity of the
problem to be solved. However, the specific commands and procedures that
must be used for each of the steps will vary from one finite element package
to another. The solution procedure for ANSYS is described in this tutor.
Note that ANSYS (like any other FEM package) has numerous capabilities out
of which only a few would be used in simple beam problems.
of Finite Element Methods
element methods are extremely versatile and powerful and can enable designers
to obtain information about the behavior of complicated structures with
almost arbitrary loading. In spite of the significant advances that have
been made in developing finite element packages, the results obtained must
be carefully examined before they can be used. This point cannot be overemphasized.
most significant limitation of finite element methods is that the accuracy
of the obtained solution is usually a function of the mesh resolution. Any
regions of highly concentrated stress, such as around loading points and
supports, must be carefully analyzed with the use of a sufficiently refined
mesh. In addition, there are some problems which are inherently singular
(the stresses are theoretically infinite). Special efforts must be made
to analyze such problems.
additional concern for any user is that because current packages can solve
so many sophisticated problems, there is a strong temptation to "solve"
problems without doing the hard work of thinking through them and understanding
the underlying mechanics and physical applications. Modern finite element
packages are powerful tools that have become increasingly indispensible
to mechanical design and analysis. However, they also make it easy for users
to make big mistakes.
solutions with finite element methods often requires substantial amounts
of computer and user time. Nevertheless, finite element packages have become
increasingly indispensable to mechanical design and analysis.