
    ANSYS Instruction Conventions

    The following conventions are used in the ANSYS Instructions:

    CAPITAL Menu headings
    Bold Menu choices
    Italics Enter text or a carriage return
    Underlined Mouse button to be clicked in the ANSYS GRAPHICS window

    Example :

    UTILITY MENU -> File

    means go to the menu labeled UTILITY MENU and select the menu choice File.

    ANSYS INPUT -> aplot <CR>

    means go to the ANSYS INPUT window, enter the text aplot followed by a carriage return. When entering text, you must move the cursor over the window where the text is to be entered.

    Starting ANSYS on Windows Machines

    In Mechanical Engineering Cluster, we have installed ANSYS v.7.0 on every machine. However, on the Windows machines in Wean Cluster there is only ANSYS v.6.1
    This should not make much difference but that the graphical interface might be a bit different.

    Click on the Start menu at the bottom left corner of the screen.

    Start ->Programs -> ANSYS Release 7.0 -> Ansys Interactive

    Set memory to 64 for total and 32 for database.

    Set the default directory to be a directory on your zip disk where you want to save your ANSYS database file.

    Click on Run.

    Starting ANSYS on the HP UNIX Computers

    ANSYS version 7.0 has not yet been installed onto the UNIX machines in the clusters. See the tutorial on ANSYS 5.6 at this link:


    If you want to use UNIX machines, you can run ANSYS v. 5.6. After you log on to the UNIX machine, in the X-term window, to type the following to specify your working directory:

    /data/ansys56/bin/xansys56 <CR>
    Note: the working directory is the directory where your working files are saved.

    The XANSYS56 menu window will appear. Pick a location for this menu by clicking once with the left mouse button. Choose:

    XANSYS56 -> Interactive


    "Memory requested (megabytes)"
    "for total workspace" Type in 8
    "for database" Type in


    The ANSYS_5.6_OUTPUT window will appear. Type a <CR> when you are prompted to in this window. The ANSYS program will now begin.

    A Final Note: The UTILITY MENU is located at the top of the screen. The MAIN MENU is located on the left side of the screen. Text should be entered in the ANSYS INPUT window at the top left corner of the screen unless noted otherwise.