6A. Query Results of StressYY and Displacements in Y direction

The first step in analyzing your results should be getting a plot of the deformed shape. This will give you some feedback on the accuracy of the displacement boundary conditions and loads you have applied to your model.

General Postproc

Plot Results

PLOT RESULTS -> Deformed shape

                   PLOT DEFORMED SHAPE -> Def + undeformed

The following window will appear

The screen should now have an outline of the undeformed shape overlapped by the deformed shape as the figure below

You can now query stress and displacements in Y direction off from the deformed plot.

MAIN MENU -> General Postproc

      GENERAL POSTPROC -> Query Results

QUERY RESULTS -> Subgrid Solution

                   QUERY NODAL SOLUTION DATA -> Stress Y-direction

You may now select a point on the plot and the value for sigmayy will be given at that point.

If you want to replot the image, then go to

Now you might want to query UY results as well. Basically just repeat the same procedure.

MAIN MENU -> General Postproc

      GENERAL POSTPROC -> Query Results

QUERY RESULTS -> Subgrid Solution

                   QUERY NODAL SOLUTION DATA -> Displacement Y-direction

Now select a point on the plot that you want to know the displacements of.