3. Mesh the Object

Meshing implies breaking the part into smaller pieces (elements) so that the program can analyze the loadings (stresses, strains, displacement, etc.) of each small element. A fine mesh, meaning meshing elements into a smaller element, will generally give a more accurate results, but will use up more time and memory. Using fewer, larger pieces (a coarse mesh) will allow the model to run more quickly and use less memory, but will generally give less accurate results. In general it is good to start out with a coarse mesh and keep refining it in order to get the desired amount of accuracy.

For this particular problem, we will use a 4 elements for a coarse mesh, and 16 elements for a fine mesh.


      PREPROCESSOR -> Meshing
-> Size Contrls

            SIZE CONTRLS -> ManualSize
-> Lines -> PickedLines

The window below prompts you for the lines you want to mesh. Then you would click on each of the 4 lines that makes the circumference of the rectangle. Pick these lines to specify the boundary used in meshing this member.

After you pick every line composes the circumference, you will see the following figure.

Now we have to tell the program how many divisions we want to mesh this rectangle into. We can also specify the size (length) of the each small segment after meshing.
For the simplicity of the problem, we will mesh this rectangle into 4 pieces, that is each line will have 2 divisions.
Then, we enter 2 into the NDIV box.

Then click OK.
Then, you will see that the circumference of the rectangle has been divided into 2 portions per each line.

MAIN MENU -> Preprocessor

PREPROCESSOR -> -Meshing -Mesh
MESH -> Area -> Mapped
MAPPED -> 3 or 4 Sided

Then the window below should appear.

In the window, MESH AREAS, click on the plate. The area we selected will be active.

Click OK.
Wait for the program to mesh the part - this may take several seconds. The part will now appear broken down into a 4 element mesh, with 2 elements along the length of the plate and another 2 elements along the height.


After meshing lines, we have managed to mesh the whole rectangle. You can see from the picture above that we have 4 subdivisions for this coarse mesh.