Click on
the following in the drop down menu on your right.
PREPROCESSOR -> -Modeling - Create
CREATE -> -Areas -Rectangle
-> By Dimensions...
box should appear asking for x and y coordinates.The beam you wish to model is
24 inches long, 2 inches high and 1 inch into the screen. Since this example can
be modeled as a plane stress problem, it is easier to draw the beam as a two dimensional
area instead of a volume. If not specified otherwise, ANSYS assumes a thickness
of 1 into the screen. Enter the appropriate dimensions in inches. Make sure the
information you have entered is valid and then click OK.
NOT click Apply and then OK. This will place two rectangles in that location!)
In general, if the situation you are trying to model lends
itself to a constant stress(or temperature,etc.) in the z direction (into the
screen) then it should be drawn as an area instead of a volume. This cuts down
on the memory used and time required for calculations. If a 3-D model is required,
then all you have to do is choose the appropriate volume from the CREATE
menu and proceed from there.
In this problem, you will enter all dimensions in inches, forces in pounds and
moduli in pounds/in^2. By doing this your stress results will be in pound/in^2.
ANSYS does not keep track of units, so it is essential that you enter data using
consistent units. For an SI unit system, dimensions should be entered in meters,
loads in Newtons, and moduli in N/m^2 or Pa. This will result in stress output
in Newtons.
A light blue rectangular area should appear on the screen.