2.2 Mesh the Object

The way to mesh the part would be to finely mesh the lines where loads are applied. In this problem, loads are mainly concentrated on inner circles of hole on the right hand side (smaller hole). Therefore, finer mesh should be in that area.

Click on the arcs that form the crank's hole(smaller circle at the right end). (enter NDIV = 30)

      PREPROCESSOR -> -Meshing -Size Contrls

            SIZE CNTRLS ->
-Line -Picked Lines

ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click on the arc and circle that form the smaller circle(crank side).

                   ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click OK.

                   ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Enter 30 in the NDIV box. Click OK.

Click on the arcs that form the pedal's hole(larger circle at the left end) and the lines connecting two circles. (enter NDIV = 15)

            SIZE CNTRLS -> -Line -Picked Lines

                   ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click on lines connecting pedal and crank and the arcs that forms pedal.

                   ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click OK.

                   ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Enter 15 in the NDIV box. Click OK.

Now the meshed lines should look similar to the image below. Then we are ready to mesh the volume.

Use the following command:


      PREPROCESSOR -> -Meshing -Mesh

            MESH ->
-Volume - Free
                    MESH VOLUMES -> Click on the part. It will change color. Click OK.

The meshed part should look similar to the one displayed here. However, you can remesh the part so that there are more number of elements where loads are applied.