Carnegie Mellon

24-780: Engineering Computation

  Fall 2009   

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Lectures  --  Monday  & Wednesday 11:30 am - 13:20 pm (Porter Hall 7F)
Computer Cluster Hours  --  Thursday 6pm - 8pm (HH-C101)   &  Saturday  6pm - 8pm (HH-C101)

 Scope of Course    




This course covers the practical programming and computational skills necessary for engineers. These include: (1) programming in MATLAB, and (2) programming in C++. In addition to covering fundamentals of the engineering software packages and programming languages, the course offers intensive hands-on computational assignments for practice of common applications. 4 hrs. lec Prerequisites: None

Cub "c++ (Yes Sir?)" White T-Shirt

Learning Objectives   

After taking this course, students should be able to:

      C++ Programming

             - Create a project in Microsoft Visual C++ Express,

             - Write, debug and compile a basic code in C++, and

             - Visualize results with OpenGL

      MATLAB Programming

             - Write and debug a basic code in MATLAB,

             - Use MATLAB toolboxes, and

             - Visualize results in MATLAB

      Engineering Computation

             - Select and/or design an algorithm, data structure, and

               programming language for engineering applications,
             - Design and develop software in a team, and

             - Understand the new trends in computation

Teaching Staff    

Professor Kenji Shimada (Instructor)
     Office: Room 314, Scaife Hall,   Phone: 412.268.3614
     Office Hours: by email appointment

Dr. Soji Yamakawa (Co-Instructor)
     Office: Room B127, Hamerschlag Hall,   Phone: 412.268.8880
     Email: soji
     Office Hours: by email appointment

Iacopo Gentilini (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
     Office: Room B127, Hamerschlag Hall,   Phone: 412.268.8880
     Email: gentilini
     Computer Cluster Hours: Fri 3-5pm, Mon 4-6pm, or by email appointment

Ved Vyas  (EC Wiki Administrator)
     Office: Room B127, Hamerschlag Hall,   Phone: 412.268.8880
ved @
     Office Hours: by email appointment


Email Lists    

To send a message to all the teaching staff (use this when you ask a technical question):

To send a message to all the students (this is mainly for teaching staff use only)


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Send email to Professor Kenji Shimada ( shimada @
with questions or comments about this web site.