Vibration #1: Modal
Analysis of a Turbine
In the
area of dynamics and vibrations the natural frequencies of a structure
is of great importance to determine whether a structure can withstand
excitation from the surroundings. In this example, we will learn to
model a turbine and then determine its first few natural frequencies.
Physical Problem: To
determine the natural frequencies of the turbine shown in the figure.
Modal analysis means the calculation of the natural frequencies of a
mechanical system. It also involves the calculation of the mode shapes.
Problem Description:
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
We will model the
turbine as a disk with blades fixed on it ('blisk'=bladed
disk). The inner radius of the hub is 10 cm, outer radius is 40 cm,
blade length is 20 cm, blade width is 5 cm, and the thickness is 2.5
mm |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Assume the structure is made of steel with modulus of elasticity E=210
GPa and has a
Poisson ratio of 0.3 and density of 7.21e3 kg/cubic meter. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Boundary conditions:
The blisk is fixed around the inner
diameter of the disk. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
The blisk is not loaded. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul2.gif) |
To determine
first three family of modes. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul2.gif) |
To animate the
mode shape of the first 3 modes. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul2.gif) |
You are required
to hand in print outs for the above. You don't have to hand in the
animation files but you will have to give at least 3 captured frames
of the animation for each of the three modes. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on ANSYS
6.1 in the programs menu. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Interactive. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
The following menu
that comes up. Enter the working directory. All your files will be
stored in this directory. Also enter 64 for Total Workspace and
32 for Database. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on Run.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
We will model one
quarter of the blisk and then reflect it
to create the complete blisk.3 |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to the ANSYS
Utility Menu.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul2.gif) |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul2.gif) |
The following
window comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Check the Cartesian
and Grid Only buttons |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Enter the values
shown in the figure above. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
The following is
the quarter blisk we will model first:
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to the ANSYS
Main Menu
Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Rectangle>By 2 corners.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select the two
corners for the horizontal rectangle and click Apply. Remember the
rectangles (blades) have a thickness half the actual thickness since
we are modeling only a quarter of the blisk.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now similarly
create the vertical rectangle. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now we will create
the quarter disk. Go to
Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>Partial Annulus.
The following window comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Enter the values as
shown and click OK. The model looks like the one below: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now we will reflect
the areas we have created about the YZ plane and then all the areas
about the XZ plane. Go to
Click on "Pick All". the following window comes up:
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select the YZ plane
and say OK. The figure will look like the following: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now repeat the same
process and reflect the whole figure about the XZ plane. The figure
will look like this now. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now we will add the
areas up. Go to
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
In the window that
comes up click "Pick all".
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to the ANSYS
Main Menu |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models.
In the window that comes up, select
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Enter 1 for the
Material Property Number and click OK. The following window comes up.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Fill in 2.1e11
for the Young's modulus and 0.3 for minor Poisson's Ratio.
From the Material Model window, select
and enter
7.21e3 for the density. Click OK. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now the material 1
has the properties defined in the above table. We will use this
material for the structure. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete...
In the 'Element Types' window that opens click on Add... The following
window opens: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Type 1 in
the Element type reference number. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on
Structural Shell and select Elastic 4node 63. Click OK.
Close the 'Element types' window. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now we need to
define the thickness for this element. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to
Preprocessor>Real Constants>Add/Edit/Delete...
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
In the "Real
Constants" dialog box that comes up click on Add |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
In the "Element
Type for Real Constants" that comes up click OK. The following window
comes up. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Fill in the
relevant values and click on OK. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
We have now defined
the thickness of the element. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to
Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Controls>Manual Size>Lines>Picked Lines.
Pick all the lines on the outer boundary of the figure and click OK.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
In the menu that
comes up type 0.025 in the field for 'Element edge length'.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on OK.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now go to
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click "pick all" in
the "Mesh Areas" dialog box. The meshed model looks like this.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now the
blisk is divided into Shell elements.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
blisk is fixed around the inner diameter
of the disk. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to Main Menu
Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Lines.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select the lines on
the inner circumference of the disk and click OK. The following window
comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select All DOF
and click OK. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
The model now looks
like this: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now the Modeling of
the problem is done. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis.
The following window comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select Modal and
click on OK. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now go to
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options.
The following window comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Enter the values
shown in the window above and click OK. The following window comes up.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Enter 100000000
for the End Frequency. Then Click OK. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to
Solution>Solve>Current LS.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Wait for ANSYS to
solve the problem. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on OK and
close the 'Information' window. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
To list the first
three frequencies, go to
Menu>General Postprocessing>Results
The following window will be displayed: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
To animate the mode
shapes, go to
Menu>General Postprocessing>Read
Results>First Set.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Go to
Utility Menu>Plot Controls>Animate>Mode Shape.
The following window will come up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select the required
animation: in this case Deformed Shape and click OK.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
The animation will
be similar to the ones below. (Don't capture images from these files,
they are not the solutions. Just similar to solutions.)
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
To plot the
deformed shape, go to
Menu>General Postprocessing>Read
Results>First Set.
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Now in the same
window go to
Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution.
The following window comes up: |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Select DOF
solution, and select USUM. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Check the Def +
undeformed button. |
![bullet](../_themes/ks-modular/modbul1.gif) |
Click on OK. The
contour plot will look similar to the figure below. |