33-131 Exam Schedule
Exams will be given in the evening. On an exam day there will be no classes,
but instructors will be in the classrooms at the usual times to answer questions.
Exams are designed to take one hour, but you may have up to two hours to
complete an exam. (The final exam is scheduled for three hours, but you
will be permitted to take one extra hour if you wish.)
You are required to bring a scientific calculator to each exam. Last year's Exam 1 (many of these problems are now in the textbook) Last year's Exam 2 (many of
these problems are now in the textbook; Last year's Exam 3 (many of these problems are now in the textbook) Last year's final exam (many of these problems are now in the textbook) |
Exam 1 | Thursday, September 20 | 6:30-8:30 PM | DH 2210 |
Exam 2 | Tuesday, October 16 | 6:30-8:30 PM | DH 2210 |
Exam 3 | Tuesday, November 13 | 6:30-8:30 PM | DH 2210 |
Final |
Thursday, December 13 |
5:30-8:30 PM | DH 1212 |