33-332 Physical Mechanics II
Course Overview
Physical Mechanics II is the second course in a two-semester
sequence on advanced classical mechanics for physics majors. The course
will begin with a review of coordinate systems, frames of reference,
Newton's laws, and the concepts of energy, momentum, and angular momentum.
Motion in noninertial reference frames and perturbation theory will then be
studied, followed by the dynamics of rigid bodies, coupled oscillations,
and nonlinear oscillations and chaos. Time permitting, Hamiltonian
dynamics will be introduced.
As in the first semester, this course is a quantitative one and will
require the use of advanced mathematics to solve more difficult
physical problems.
Course Outline
- Review (Chapters 1 and 2)
- frames of reference and coordinate systems
- vectors and vector calculus
- velocity and acceleration
- Newton's laws
- energy, momentum, angular momentum, force, torque
- Lagrangian methods, principle of least action
- friction, drag, gravitation
- Motion in a noninertial reference frame (Chapter 10)
- rotating and accelerating frames of reference
- centrifugal and coriolis forces
- motion relative to the earth
- perturbation theory
- Dynamics of rigid bodies (Chapter 11)
- inertia tensor
- angular momentum
- principal axes of inertia
- moments of inertia
- rotations and Eulerian angles
- Euler's equations for a rigid body
- the symmetric top (force-free and subject to gravity)
- stability of rigid body rotations
- Coupled small oscillations (Chapter 12)
- general problem of coupled small oscillations
- characteristic frequencies and normal modes
- Nonlinear oscillations and chaos (Chapter 4)
- butterfly effect and sensitivity to initial conditions
- phase space and trajectories
- dissipative systems and attractors
- Poincare surfaces of section
- logistic map and period doubling route to chaos
- identification of chaos, Lyapunov exponents
- fractals
- damped, sinusoidally-driven pendulum
- forced and damped inverted pendulum (Duffing oscillator)
- Hamiltonian dynamics (Chapter 7)
- Hamilton's equations
- Poisson brackets
- canonical transformations
Test Dates
Test I |
Monday, February 9 |
Test II |
Monday, March 22 |
Test III |
Monday, April 12 |
Final Examination
Monday, May 3,   8:30am - 11:30am (3 hours)
DH 1112 |