Test prep for 45-733:

The midterm for this course will be on Thursday, Feb 7, in class. The solutions for the midterm are now available.
A useful place for previous years' exams is a website maintained by Tony Smith.

Some practice problems:
pg 70 66
pp 122-7 52,56,62,66,72
pp 174-7 60,62,64,66
pp 218-21 54,56,58,62,72

The final for this course will be on Thursday, Feb 28, in class.

Some practice problems (chaps 7-9):
pp 267-9 18,22
pp 318-22 54,56,58,62,68,72,74
pp 342-4 12,14
pp 350-1 20,24
pp 377-83 56,62,68,70,74,78,

Solutions for the final are here .

The grade distribution for the class is here .

Course Homepage